Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sunny Saturday in March

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As today started to unfold at 5:30 a.m. I was less than optimistic about it; I'd only gotten 3 hours of sleep, both of the boys wet their beds, and there were numerous chores around the house that had been neglected all week in favor of working.  However -- after a heavenly cup of coffee and breath of fresh air outside -- I turned my frown upside down and embraced the day....and am I glad I did!

Rob got up early to rent a boat and take Christopher fishing; I packed their lunches, sunscreens, and sent them off with a slew of "be carefuls". I vlogged, enjoyed the silence, and played with Ryan.  After realizing that nothing was keeping me in the house and out of the weather but myself....I grabbed my Ry-bear, packed a bag, and headed out!  Destin was gorgeous.  I know that after we're out of the military I definitely want to come back to this area because it's so wonderful!  The people are frendly.  The atmosphere is upbeat. It feels like "home".

Christopher and Rob went to see THE LORAX tonight in theaters!  It was my baby's first time ever going to see a movie...  I can't believe how fast he's growing!  Mine & Rob's anniversary is tomorrow, Ryan turns exactly 11 months, and Christopher's 3rd bday is on Wednesday.  I'm so grateful for all of the wonderful blessings we have and the opportunities to enjoy a day like today.  It's been so memorable! 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Coldstone SECRET Menu

Found this via twitter --- I'm definitely asking for the Secret Menu : )
FYI: Slimfast French Vanilla Powder tastes EXACTLY like Coldstone Cake Batter ice cream 

If anybody cares.... heres the #SECRETMENU #coldstone on Twitpic