Wednesday, September 07, 2011



This is how dedicated I am to my "work"...(I can't even say work because I have way too much fun with it to call it work!! I LOVE MY JOB!)    I'm doing an expo on Saturday and I vandalized my car windows with the info!  WOO!  People from our neighborhood were looking at me like I was a nutso...and while that may be partially correct -- they still asked me about the expo sooooo....  : MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  My other distributor that's doing the expo with me is getting her windows vandalized tomorrow  ; )  WE ROCK!  We're going out "blitzing" tomorrow.  See definition below. AND making iron-on shirts.  Pure dedication.

Blitzing: (bli-TZING) verb; to walk around town wearing obnoxious lime green apparel (It Works! colors) or company shirts with obnoxiously lime green bags and hand out business cards and body wrap info to unsuspecting civilians.   

1 comment:

  1. Just started following you. Vandalizing your own car is so much fun! Have fun at the Expo.
