Sunday, August 21, 2011

Am I Bald Yet?

WARNING:  I'm extremely stressed out!  and I'm not going to sugar-coat things or pretend that it's all happy-go-lucky because right now, it's not!  Things are a little rough right now...but OH WELL. THAT'S LIFE.  and this is just temporary phase.

I feel like 1/8 teaspoon of jelly trying to cover an extra large piece of toast.  There's just not enough of me to go around!  I'm so busy doing all the other stuff I'm not really getting time for myself.  AH!!  Christopher has been acting out like crazy.  I've been getting random adrenaline surges during the day...probably because I'm constantly worrying that he's going to get out and run down the road (which he's already done).  Even at night in my dreams I dream that he's escaping the house and I HAVE to get out of bed to check on him.  Why do I clean the house? Honestly.  I really can't think of a good reason other than it's the "thing" to do.  I cleaned Christopher's room (we do every night...but I vacuumed it today) and tonight, after telling him to go to bed 800 times and having to swat his tush, I hear him at 10:30. 2 and a half hours after I put him to bed!  What did he do?  Dumped all of his toys in the middle of the floor and tore up books and the back of a chalkboard thing into a million tiny pieces. 

 I know it's not just me feeling this way because thankfully I found a wife and friend who's having the same things.  Military life: you get to be married AND be a single parent. (Really not looking forward to deployment). Christopher's in the terrible-two's, Rob's gone, and we're getting ready to make another huge life change.  Things are crazy stressful.  I just want to melt into the floor for a little bit.  Sometimes I'm not sure whether to hysterically laugh or just break down into tears.  Occasionally I opt for both.  I do devotionals to re-center myself and I try to stay positive...but some days it's just so hard.  Today I said about 50 prayers for strength and patience.  I can't imagine what my day would've been like if I hadn't prayed.  I swiffered the floor only to have a delicious looking bowl of buttered peas and ravioli with homemade sauce hit it...because they weren't chicken nuggets and that of course puts a damper on my happy attitude. I don't know.   I feel old, a little mediocre, and boring.  I want to spend a little money on myself and not feel guilty about it.  I want to feel pretty and cute and be able to get my nails done or get a new cute outfit occasionally.  I need a haircut...I need something different. 

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