Tuesday, August 23, 2011

In Case of a Break-In, NEVER SLEEP NAKED!

True Story:  So I was having an extremely difficult time with everything on and was just having a seriously rough couple of days  I'm talking "turn-of-the-cell-phone-and-shut-down-the-computer-for-an-entire-weekend" kind of thing; which, if you know me, is totally...not like me. 

Sidenote:  I have a fabulous neighbor.  At first we just did favors for each other and watched each other's kids when one or the other needed to run an errand without it taking 3 extra hours.  We helped each other out etc.  Then we started having "porch dates".  Usually completely unplanned mommy nights where we bummed in our sweat pants and exchanged parenting "Oh I KNOW!"'s over some big girl koolaid. AKA alcoholic beverage.  These nights ended up in us getting completely off topic and at some point laughing our butts off while making gigantic plans with complete intent on keeping them knowing full-well come next morning we wouldn't : )  And then it turned into friends exchanging things that you usually don't tell other people.  And that has been the evolution of my friendship with our neighbor!  Ok....so back to the story...

I had the curtains closed all weekend.  (I did take the boys for a walk and to the park...and I even checked the mail!) I had essentially just checked out of life for a little bit.  I didn't put in my contacts or put any makeup on.  ..................I know.  I'm dead serious.  It was that bad.  All I did was clean and play with the boys and do the everyday chores while cleaning up messes that I'd just cleaned and on and on, rinse, repeat, etc. Well Jennifer must've been a little concerned because I hadn't been answering her texts, calls, or messages (I'm not sure she knew just how hardcore I was going with the whole "house hermit" thing).  So that night I got the boys to bed and waded through the mountains of laundry in the hallway to get to my room.  I thought..."Heck.  I might as well take a nice bath and then I'll wrap and go to sleep..."  I did some yoga.  Took a bath. Shaved my legs, even!  Got out, put on my wrap and instantly felt better.  But the way I put the wrap on with the saran wrap over it I couldn't get my PJ pants on so I just decided to chill on my bed -- full on birthday suit over here. 

As I'm laying there in my skibbies I hear something downstairs and just chalked it up to the ghostie in my house or something random because there was NO WAY it was a burglar.  Then I heard another noise....then silence....nahhhh. I just imagined that.... All of a sudden my bedroom door starts to open up so I'm quick scrambling for my glasses but all I see is pitch black and the first thing that comes to my mind is --- OH MY GOSH! MY HOUSE REALLY IS HAUNTED!  Then I started thinking of the quickest gun to grab from our stash under the bed when I hear, "Sara?" ---- It was Jennifer and our other friend Ms. Brittanie coming in to check on me and do an "intervention" (makes it sounds like I was on crack or something! haha!)  Most awkward  moment ever!  My terribly messy hallway and they climbed through my laundry and got to see my horrifically messy room AND me in nothing but saran wrap! They also brought me a "Get out of jail free" card for babysitting because Jennifer knew I needed a break.  And they brought me some "beverages"! HA!  It was so fun.  Then we decided to give the neighbors a show and I chased them out of the house (in my blanket) and threw shoes at them!  The neighbors had watched these 2 clowns actually break into my garage and they didn't even call the police!

It turned into a fun night.  I'm lucky to have good friends!  Sad I'll be leaving them behind --- but I'll take these memories with me forever!  : Justin Bieber on the porch in the blacklight.... ding dong door ditch -- OH YES WE DID!... dancing around the living room with the kids blaring music at night...never say neverrrr...

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