Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wisco Vaca

Had such a wonderful time visiting the family! 
Some of our trip hi-lights were:

Buscia and Ryan! (She got Christopher hooked on
bologna sandwiches!!!)

--- Christopher escaping Buscia (means Grandma in Polish)'s house; we heard a boy outside that sounded exactly like Christopher. Ding Ding Ding! It WAS Christopher!  He'd managed to sneak out of his room (that we had jammed the door on while our bedroom was right next door), changed his own pull-up, attempted to put various pants on, made a "bony shammitz" -- aka: bologna sandwich --  for the trip, got the tackle box and fishing pole from the garage (which he had to go outside to get to), grabbed his lifevest from downstairs, talked to some people walking their dog (that's when we heard him outside), and by the time I caught him he was already on the dock heading for the pontoon boat with tackle box in hand saying "Mommmy!!!  I GOIN FISHIN!".....   Seriously.  HOW IS MY HAIR NOT GRAY YET?!?

Papa meeting Ryan

---  Everyone meeting Ryan for the first time!
---  Waking up and going for a pontoon boat ride around the lake with Rob and Christopher
---  Going to the fireworks on the 4th of July with my hubby and just getting to hold his hand and walk around without having to worry about chasing a 2-year-old or changing poopie diapers.  That evening we weren't Sara&Rob: Mom&Dad.  We were just Sara&Rob.  It was a nice break!
---  Sitting around the campfire with hubby and the family.  Oh and the one night in particular when Christopher got to stay up WAY past his bedtime (*cough cough* ....11:30pm!!)  He was a riot!  Being such a clown and entertaining us all; pretending that the fire was trying to eat his sucker!  
-- Watching my Dad and Rob light off fireworks (illegally) in the driveway with The Boellaard Clan: Papa and Gigi, Aunt Shelia, Adam, my Dad, Michael, Wes, Mar-bear, Rob, Christopher, me and Ryan!  We were the envy of the neighborhood!
Daddy and Christopher eatin' BLT's
--- Cooking breakfast for the guys at my Dad & Mary's! 
--- Playing in the toyroom that Grandma Mikey set up for Christopher.  He called it his "park"!
--- "Camping" in Grandpa Scott's backyard with Rob, Christopher, Ryan, and I all in one tent!  It was so much fun!!! Complete with a campfire, swingset, AND it was free!  Plus if it rained all we had to do was run in the house.... not a bad deal!

--  The OLD RED MILL in Little Hope, WI!!!  Words cannot describe it....but an upcoming Youtube Video will : )

--- Riding in the car with Christopher and Grandma Mary.  Car pulled in front of us and Christopher appropriately used daddy's phrase: STOOOPID HIPPIES!!!   ....funny how kids pick up on the things you don't want them to say!

Ryan and Aunt Shelia at the lake
--- Hanging out with my brother and his friends for a night! ....oh that was interesting!!!  Way too much to recap but the jist of which was: ghost stories. cemetary. ditch. traintracks. security guard. more ghost stories.

---  Washing and waxing the car with Christopher
---  Taking the boys to the lake with Auntie Shelia and Adam ... Christopher REALLY loved swimming! ...or so he claimed.
---  Goin on historical adventures with the boys

--- Heading out to Lake Wazee and hanging out with Grandpa Jack (dropped the weiners in the dirt...TWICE!) my mom, and Grandma Bev for the day.  Swam off the drop-off and supermanned over a 200 foot drop.  Amazing sensation!  You can see the tops of trees!
--Attempting a beer-off with Jimmy (my cousin). HA!  He's the ultimate champion forever.  I forfeited! 
---  Get-together with Rob's family!  They're all so much fun!  Especially his Aunt Gail.  She's got baby magic!  Ryan just absolutely loved her.
Auntie Gail working her baby magic!
Gigi Meeting Ryan!

My mom, me and the boys @my newest favorite place
on earth:  Old Red Mill, Little Hope WI


Best Picture Award --- Grandpa Scott & Gramma Mary @ 2 Lakes

Jimmy & My Brother: The Winners

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