Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas came early this year!

Since we're heading out in a couple days to go back to visit Wisconsin, I decided to have the guys do Christmas early!!  :)   Since Rob's "Man Cave" is going to be turned into the nursery when we get back (yay!) I got him stuff so he could put his "Man Cave" in the garage and did a mini-scavenger hunt through the house.  It ended with me having his stuff in the garage and he got a rug, industrial shelf, and hooks (to hang his treestand) and there was a chair set up with the cooler next to it and in the cooler was a 12-pack!  Oh and the best part of the garage is -- by far -- the Christmas lights which I strung up around the ceiling.  I'm actually pretty jealous!

The guys openeing their presents

Christopher got a kitchen center so he can cook with mommy!  The instructions in the darn thing were totally useless and I ended up taking the entire thing apart FIVE TIMES to get the screws in the right place.  It was a major pain.  But at 3:38 a.m.  (I took a little break to catch a couple hours of sleep) it was finally completed!  Now little man can wake up to his Christmas present! 

This was by far the best Christmas ever so far.  My favorite thing to do all year is shop for my family.  Not to mention we already got the best Christmas present...our new little boy!  <3 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

IT'S A......

Meet our beautiful little baby BOY!!  I was so shocked yesterday!!  But he's beautiful and wonderful and amazing and so adorable already that I just can't wait to hold my little prince charming!  = )  My husband is so excited that he can add another boy to the household --- leaving me the only girl!  hehe    I like boys.  It doesn't matter so much if they get a little dirt on 'em.  From what we could see he looks like a big boy already, just like his brother!  I'm measuring at 22 / nearly 23 weeks.  He is so sweet already.  He was playing with his umbilical cord and he's flexing for you in this picture!  

Sidenote:  Got checked out in Labor & Delivery and they said that while the bleeding isn't normal, it's ok because it stopped and I'm not having any contractions.  My cervix just got agitated!  Yay for good news and a healthy baby! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Heading to L & D

After waking up this morning to discover that I'm still bleeding / spotting --- I decided it was probably a good idea to call the OB nurse.  She thinks everything will be just fine and that the bleeding was just caused by overactivity or an inflamed cervix...but she wants me to make sure and be better safe than sorry.  It's a good thing I already have an ultrasound appointment today!  I'm not going to lie...I'm a little nervous.  It makes me think of the miscarriage ---which I know was earlier in my other pregnancy and I'm 21 weeks now and that's a big difference.  I know they're always over-cautious and everything and that I just have to trust that it's ok.  But I'm still kind of freaking out and trying not to think about it.  Ok. WHEW!  Feels better to get it all out.  Well I'm off to go get ready and pack a diaper bag for my little man.  On a positive note --- I get to find out if it's a boy or girl later today!!! And I couldn't be more happy about that.  It better be a girl...I may or may not have done a little shopping  ... hehe

Monday, December 13, 2010


I'm bleeding / spotting a bit.  I've been having some light cramping the past couple of days; but nothing that rest and a heating pad won't cure.  I'm not too concerned because I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and it's not a heavy flow.  Probably just caused by activity.  Keeping my feet up for the rest of the night!  Maybe do a little bit of wrapping presents.  (Went shopping today!!!)  I love Christmas! 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ups ...and Downs

I can hardly believe how quickly the last week went.  I look at my 14 week baby bump picture and feel like I just took it a few days ago.  Hard to believe it was already 7 weeks....7 weeks from now I will be 28 weeks pregnant!  I started looking at all of my baby pictures of Christopher.  It's making me appreciate everything so much more.  Time is precious.  I never understood that until now; and I'm sure the understanding I have of it now, will be just a scrape compared with the knowledge I will have in 10 years...or 20. 

Christopher --- 6 weeks

I was feeling rather blah the last week with all of the stress: worrying about deployment, financially having another little one to feed, college funds, toddler beds, pottytraining and hormones It added up.  I've been handling the hormones pretty well this pregnancy (which is why I think it's a girl!!); but I had a slight breakdown.  I cried.  Then I laughed that I was crying.  It was probably a comical sight!  FYI: My nose swells up to a completely unattractive size when I cry.  Oh it's all part of pregnancy and life = )  There are ups and inevitable downs.  (Although more often than not, my ups outweigh the downs!)  It helps me to remember that other moms and people have been through what I'm going through: my child refusing to wear a diaper / pants or escaping out the porch and running outside...sometimes both at the same timeFlexibility and a good sense of humor go a long way when you're a mom!

Baby, fetus at 21 weeks - BabyCenter

The past week completely escaped me!  But here are some of my pregnancy joys at 21 weeks pregnant
: I can see the baby moving!  :)  Kicks my belly out on places
: Leg cramps / round ligament stretching
: Hot flashes
: Moooodiness and just a general feeling of "blah" for a couple days.  No fun! 

This week baby is 10 1/2 inches and weighs approximately 3/4 of a a pound to 1 lb!

Thursday, December 09, 2010