Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ups ...and Downs

I can hardly believe how quickly the last week went.  I look at my 14 week baby bump picture and feel like I just took it a few days ago.  Hard to believe it was already 7 weeks....7 weeks from now I will be 28 weeks pregnant!  I started looking at all of my baby pictures of Christopher.  It's making me appreciate everything so much more.  Time is precious.  I never understood that until now; and I'm sure the understanding I have of it now, will be just a scrape compared with the knowledge I will have in 10 years...or 20. 

Christopher --- 6 weeks

I was feeling rather blah the last week with all of the stress: worrying about deployment, financially having another little one to feed, college funds, toddler beds, pottytraining and hormones It added up.  I've been handling the hormones pretty well this pregnancy (which is why I think it's a girl!!); but I had a slight breakdown.  I cried.  Then I laughed that I was crying.  It was probably a comical sight!  FYI: My nose swells up to a completely unattractive size when I cry.  Oh it's all part of pregnancy and life = )  There are ups and inevitable downs.  (Although more often than not, my ups outweigh the downs!)  It helps me to remember that other moms and people have been through what I'm going through: my child refusing to wear a diaper / pants or escaping out the porch and running outside...sometimes both at the same timeFlexibility and a good sense of humor go a long way when you're a mom!

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