Saturday, May 28, 2011

IT Works Wrap Results!

Lost a total of 2 inches after ONE WRAP!  AMAZING!!  Not to mention my stretch marks looked so much better and they're hardly red at all.  Love these wraps so much -- they're magical!  I also love that I can do them at home when the boys are sleeping and don't have to pay a babysitter to go to a salon to get them at a marked up price.  I would pay probably $120 for the whole thing if I got them from a salon after I figure in babysitter etc!  Crazy!  If you're interested in getting a single wrap from me to try them out for yourself they are only $20  :) Seriously!  Only $20!  Or you can order a box of 4!  Send me a message on youtube, twitter, or email if you'd like to try them!    IT WORKS!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Don't Worry....Be Happy

I'm sitting here pre-stressing about the drive to Florida already.  Mind you it isn't until OCTOBER.  Every day for the past week I've thought about how I'm going to manage overseeing our house being packed upTaking care of the boys.  Signing out of the house.  Making sure the movers come and go to the right place.  Changing our address with the Post Office.  Cleaning the house out and getting the security deposit back.  Then getting me and my 2 boys in the car and driving the 18 hours (that's without stops) to our new home in Florida that I've never even seen before.  That we won't even have until Rob gets to Florida.  All I can think about is feeding Ryan every 3 hours...stopping...doing it all by myself. 

Ugh.  Such is the life of an Army Wife.  Don't get me wrong...I'm truly blessed to be married to my husband and it's an honor.  And I'm excited about actually being in Florida.  It's not the destination that's the problem.  It's the trip there.  This summer is going to fly by.  Seems like we're just getting settled.  I can say that I think I've finally made a really good friend down here (Jennifer) and now we're getting yanked out already.  But I can't think about that... Whewwww.....Woosah....



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hangin' Out

Ryan and I are hangin' out tonight :)  Things have been moving at light-speed lately.  I absolutely cannot believe that he's been here for almost 5 weeks already.  5 weeks when I was pregnant seemed to last forever and now the days and nights are all meshed together and just flying by.  Attempted a workout tonight...but I got 15 min into it and Ryan started fussing and Rob came home.  No such luck! haha.  Maybe if I keep these workout clothes on I will wake up and be super motivated to just do it first thing...hmmm.... I could be on to something!

Things with Ryan have been going better.  I like that he can be awake and happy during the day now!  Christopher has been Mr. Mischeivous and wanting to take off out the backyard and into the road.  The other day he took off and fell in our driveway and smacked his head super hard -- now he's got road rash and a gigantic goose egg on his forehead.  I figured this would deter him from future sprints....NOPE!  Took off again tonight and mommy had to go chase him down with Ryan in the baby carrier.  That was a sight...I'm sure.  Neighbor kids knocked over our grill tonight.  Nice -- didn't even bother to tell us OR pick it up.  Good thing it didn't start a fire!  There were hot coals in there from Rob cooking us steaks!   HAHA!  Ryan just made a super high-pitched screech.  Scared the crap out of me!

I love being a mommy.  I've had a couple really stressful days (like yesterday!  Crying and tantrums from 7 am til midnight!) but thankfully hubby helps me out.  He offered to get up with Christopher today and he made breakfast, did the dishes, cleaned, made dinner, and potty-trained with Christopher!  So nice!  I dont' know what I'm going to do when he's gone...that's coming right up around the corner.  Just thinking about moving and finding new friends...not to mention the 20 hour drive with 2 boys is really giving me a migraine.  Feels like we just got adjusted and now we're leaving!  I am looking forward to it, though.  Florida.  No snow.  Grilling out all year.  Bring it on! 

Changing Ryan's diaper.  Poop shoots out.  Literally. 8 inches and splatters all over my pants and the floor.  It was a totally disgusting, gag-worthy moment.  EW. 

Mommy and Ryan's beds in his nursery!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh the things I pick up with my toes...

Being a mom to an extremely picky baby who constantly wants to be toted around in a baby carrier means I have become very good at multitasking.  I can open doors with my toes and pick up toys so that I don't have to bend over which (would inevitably wake up Ryan).  This list includes a few things I've picked up with my toes over the past couple of weeks...The strangest of which being a radish And not just a radish...but a radish covered in slimy salad dressing.  After which I washed my foot in the sink....with Ryan still in the baby carrier, of course.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day

Had a pretty good day today!  Got up and did my workout.  Had a little time to myself and then hung around the house for the entire day and pretty much stayed away from the computer and my phone. Didn't even put on make-up!  I just wanted to spend time with the boys and enjoy them.  I can't believe Ryan is already going to be 3 weeks old tomorrow.  That flew by!  I could almost cry because it's going by so fast... too fast.  I have to stop or I'm going to be a weepy mess!  Anyways...

Hubby and I had our R&R date last night and our awesome neighbor watched the boys for us!  She is so sweet.  Even though Ryan is as grumpy and colicky as he is she still did that for us.  Awesome Mother's Day present!  It was 90 degrees here today.  That would be nice if I wanted to go to the beach; but when I want to take my crying baby outside (because he loves it) it's bad because it's humid and way too hot for him to be out longer than 10 to 15 minutes. So as soon as we got back in he showed us his lung power!  Rob did a shrimp boil today and made homemade cocktail sauce with it -- mmm mm mmmm!!!  I even got fed the shrimp because I was holding little man.  Overall it was a pretty good day.  Now I'm sitting here relaxing and waiting for Ryan to wake up to eat so then I can go zonk out for a few hours!

Monday, May 02, 2011

A Journey Through Colic: 1

It's just a phase. That's what I have to keep telling myself. Some moments are far more difficult than others and I really have to tap into my inner zen to make it through the really hair-raising seconds that feel like they last an eternity; but, I know we'll get through it. I can't say my sanity will be intact but luckily it wasn't all there to begin with! I have high hopes that the Colic Calm that we ordered will do wonders for him. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

When Ryan had his first long crying episode I just shook my head and attributed it to a little tummy ache or something that I ate that must've bothered him. The second episode I started to panic a little because I know how stressful it was dealing with this with Christopher. The third episode made me sad. The fourth made me determined. Determined to try anything that will help us get through this phase as smoothly as possible.

I'm glad we caught this early with Ryan. I really think he has a sensitive stomach and that's what's causing alot of his problems. I was breastfeeding...but am exclusively pumping and storing right now. (And we're probably going to run out of room in our deep freezer for all of this milk -- SERIOUSLY!) After he outgrows the colicky stage and his stomach develops a little more I think he will be able to tolerate breastmilk better without spitting up so much. I know...I KNOW! Breastmilk is the best milk...I KNOW! *Ideally* But that's also before you have food with preservatives and all of this other crap in or on it. In a perfect world I would be eating 100% organic and healthy all of the time and no dairy to agitate him etc...but I don't. When Christopher has mac -n-cheese -- heck yeah I'll have a little bit! If I'm walking around in a sleepless new-mom zombie daze and need a snack because my stomach is growling and it's the middle of the night? You bet. I grab a preservative packed fake fruit bar from the cabinet.