Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hangin' Out

Ryan and I are hangin' out tonight :)  Things have been moving at light-speed lately.  I absolutely cannot believe that he's been here for almost 5 weeks already.  5 weeks when I was pregnant seemed to last forever and now the days and nights are all meshed together and just flying by.  Attempted a workout tonight...but I got 15 min into it and Ryan started fussing and Rob came home.  No such luck! haha.  Maybe if I keep these workout clothes on I will wake up and be super motivated to just do it first thing...hmmm.... I could be on to something!

Things with Ryan have been going better.  I like that he can be awake and happy during the day now!  Christopher has been Mr. Mischeivous and wanting to take off out the backyard and into the road.  The other day he took off and fell in our driveway and smacked his head super hard -- now he's got road rash and a gigantic goose egg on his forehead.  I figured this would deter him from future sprints....NOPE!  Took off again tonight and mommy had to go chase him down with Ryan in the baby carrier.  That was a sight...I'm sure.  Neighbor kids knocked over our grill tonight.  Nice -- didn't even bother to tell us OR pick it up.  Good thing it didn't start a fire!  There were hot coals in there from Rob cooking us steaks!   HAHA!  Ryan just made a super high-pitched screech.  Scared the crap out of me!

I love being a mommy.  I've had a couple really stressful days (like yesterday!  Crying and tantrums from 7 am til midnight!) but thankfully hubby helps me out.  He offered to get up with Christopher today and he made breakfast, did the dishes, cleaned, made dinner, and potty-trained with Christopher!  So nice!  I dont' know what I'm going to do when he's gone...that's coming right up around the corner.  Just thinking about moving and finding new friends...not to mention the 20 hour drive with 2 boys is really giving me a migraine.  Feels like we just got adjusted and now we're leaving!  I am looking forward to it, though.  Florida.  No snow.  Grilling out all year.  Bring it on! 

Changing Ryan's diaper.  Poop shoots out.  Literally. 8 inches and splatters all over my pants and the floor.  It was a totally disgusting, gag-worthy moment.  EW. 

Mommy and Ryan's beds in his nursery!

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