Monday, May 02, 2011

A Journey Through Colic: 1

It's just a phase. That's what I have to keep telling myself. Some moments are far more difficult than others and I really have to tap into my inner zen to make it through the really hair-raising seconds that feel like they last an eternity; but, I know we'll get through it. I can't say my sanity will be intact but luckily it wasn't all there to begin with! I have high hopes that the Colic Calm that we ordered will do wonders for him. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

When Ryan had his first long crying episode I just shook my head and attributed it to a little tummy ache or something that I ate that must've bothered him. The second episode I started to panic a little because I know how stressful it was dealing with this with Christopher. The third episode made me sad. The fourth made me determined. Determined to try anything that will help us get through this phase as smoothly as possible.

I'm glad we caught this early with Ryan. I really think he has a sensitive stomach and that's what's causing alot of his problems. I was breastfeeding...but am exclusively pumping and storing right now. (And we're probably going to run out of room in our deep freezer for all of this milk -- SERIOUSLY!) After he outgrows the colicky stage and his stomach develops a little more I think he will be able to tolerate breastmilk better without spitting up so much. I know...I KNOW! Breastmilk is the best milk...I KNOW! *Ideally* But that's also before you have food with preservatives and all of this other crap in or on it. In a perfect world I would be eating 100% organic and healthy all of the time and no dairy to agitate him etc...but I don't. When Christopher has mac -n-cheese -- heck yeah I'll have a little bit! If I'm walking around in a sleepless new-mom zombie daze and need a snack because my stomach is growling and it's the middle of the night? You bet. I grab a preservative packed fake fruit bar from the cabinet.

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