Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finally fall

Better late than never!  I love waking up to a nice, chilly house and actually being able to snuggle in my blankets before rolling out of bed.  Christopher and I are going to take a morning walk today in the beautiful sunshine weather.  I am definitely feeling more pregnant -- my "bloating" is starting to get pretty hard.  There's a discernible roundness to my belly -- maybe not visible to other people who don't know me well and may mistake it for some extra chub; but, I can tell!  Only 3 more days until our ultrasound!!!!  You can't tell that I'm excited or anything.  I absolutely can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see the cute little kiwi!  (It's the size of a kiwi, supposedly.)  2 inches long and 4.5 grams!  Awwww....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Christmas in September

Definitely listening to Christmas Classic Sing-Alongs for probably the 16th time.  It's Christopher's new favorite movie.  We're going to be especially ready when Christmastime comes because we'll have all of these songs memorized already!!  And when I say "classic" sing-alongs -- I'm talking about the old school Rudolph the Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman that were old when my parents were kids. haha =) 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

10 weeks+1 Day

Ahhh....the time is flying by already!  Today I have a super bad pregnancy migraine (I know that's what it is because tylenol absolutely won't touch it).  And Christopher doesn't want to nap.  So it's a terrible afternoon.  Also I can't wait to get out of this neighborhood and KS in general.  It's not my thing.  I love being with my family and I really liked it at first because it was an adventure -- but the weather stays too humid and warm and the people here are slow and the medical facilities are way behind in technology. Well that was my rant.  I'm feeling the moodiness today. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What is your problem?

Rob, Christopher, and I were sitting at the table eating dinner, and Christopher and Rob were being goofy, when all of a sudden Christopher blurts out, "What is your problem?" all at once.  Clear as a bell.  Both Rob and I heard it at the same time and were like -- "That sounded exactly like 'What is your problem!'"  It was hilarious.  Another new thing Christopher is doing: Whenever he's doing something naughty he covers his eyes --like I won't be able to see him anymore!  It's too cute.  He's my little stinker butt.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

SSDD Syndrome

I don't know if the added hormones have anything to do with it; but, I am definitely suffering from SSDD -- same sh*t different day.  I feel like my entire life is comprised of waking up, making the bed, changing a diaper, getting a sippy cup full of milk for Christopher, making breakfast, cleaning up after breakfast, chasing Christopher around the house, re-making the bed because he tore the covers off, applying for jobs that I'll never get because I can only work certain hours because of daycare, making lunch, changing another diaper, putting him down for a nap, doing dishes, taking a nap myself because I'm so freaking exhausted all the time, waking up, making the bed (again), getting snacks, starting dinner (which usually sucks anyways because I'm too nauseous to cook), keeping Christopher occupied, eating dinner when Rob gets home, taking a walk, giving Christopher a bath, doing dinner dishes, putting stuff awayOH YEAH AND SQUEEZE LAUNDRY IN THERE along with multiple other things and I feel like I accomplish everything and nothing at the same time.  Every day...same thing...same thing...same thing...DIFFERENT OUTFIT.  I have no idea. 

 Maybe I can blame the hormones but I feel like ... I don't know.  It's just getting to me.  I feel isolated.  I love being away from family because I get smothered...but on the flipside on days like this I would love to call up my brother and be like, "Hey...lets go fishing!" And I can't.  I'm bored. There's absolutely nothing I can do about it.  What am I going to do by myself with a 1 1/2 year old?  Sure I take him to the park...we go grocery shopping... I do the best I can, it's just getting to me.  I can't take him fishing by myself.  What am I going to do with 2 kids? I need a break.  I need a vacation from it all.  I'm stressed.  I can't find a job.  I'm worried about moving and what if I don't have enough money for the new baby?  I know things will work out...it'd just be nice to have some re-assurance.  I need a hug.  Or a pint of ice cream, box of kleenexes, and a chick flick.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Scenery

Tonight Christopher and I went for a walk.  Here are a couple pictures I took on our excursion....

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
-- John Lubbock --

Potty Training Boot Camp: T - 1 day


I've had it with diapers.

it's been 4 weeks of introducing the potty-chair


it's time.

Tomorrow is Potty Training Boot Camp for Christopher. 

The Plan:
: Keep him downstairs
: Cover furniture and carpeting with old sheets
: Remove diaper and have him be naked from the waist down
: Lots of fluids -- gatorade, watermelon, popsicles, etc...
: Watch for signs to go to the bathroom
: Get him on potty chair ASAP

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rainy Day

Last night Rob and I got to go out on a date :)  For the first time in like 6 months!  Went to a place in Manhattan, KS called the "Purple Pig" (Purple is the color of K-State...).  We were the only people in there besides 2 drunk guys at the bar and the bartender!  It was fun, though.  I really enjoyed getting out.  But, it's been so long that I forgot what it's like NOT to be with Christopher!  Kind of weird.  I had to keep telling myself he was fine and to just enjoy the night out.  We had deep-fried pickles -- they were really good

Anywho.  Today is a blah day.  I woke up with a headache and it's raining still.  It was the first storm Christopher's ever been awake for, though.  Usually they're all at night and he never wakes up or hears them.  So at 5:15 this morning he wanted to watch the lightning!  hehe. It was cute.  Then he went back to sleep until 8 am.  I entered him in the Gerber PhotoSearch contest and we can start voting for his picture October 3rd!  I'm not actually expecting him to win but it would be SO neat if he did.  $25,000 college scholarship.  That would be nice considering tuition costs are just going to keep going up!

The photo I entered for the contest.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lake Milford

Here are a couple of pictures from the other day when we took Christopher out ot the Lake.  He enjoys throwing rocks into the water and watching them splash! 

Can't believe it's still in the 90's down here..... being from WI I'm used to wearing long sleeved thermals, jeans & fleeces this time of year.  Not tank tops and capris...

8 week + 2 day Ultrasound

Monday, September 13, 2010

First OB appt / ULTRASOUND!!!

So the doctor appointment went well...blah blah blah GOT TO SEE THE BABY!!  It was so exciting :)  I got a phone call a few days ago saying they forgot to schedule the ultrasound in radiology and that it wasn't routine for the OB to do one... so they were going to have to re-schedule.  Then, when I saw the nurse today she saw that I had been to the ER for cramping / bleeding and also had a history of miscarriages, well, she decided to get me back there just to make sure.  It was a relief because it definitely hasn't felt 100% "real" until today.  I got to see the heartbeat!  But since it was a portable ultrasound (and pretty small) she wasn't able to record it or get the BPM (beats per minute).  My next ultrasound / appointment is scheduled for October 1st with a midwife.  Today the baby was measuring at 8 weeks 5 days (which is right on...I'm 8 weeks 2 days).  Everything is going wonderful!  I also had to stop at the lab before I left and have my bloodwork done (see if your iron levels are normal etc) annnd -- my favorite -- I got to pee in a cup! LOVE THAT!

And with the rest of the doctor appointment....they really didn't do too much. Weighed me -- I've lost weight since becoming pregnant.  20 lbs total since I moved down here!  Checked my blood pressure: 120 / 75. Perfect.  I saw the nurse and she gave me a bunch of pamphlets: map of the hospital and directions how to get to the OB dept (which I obviously don't need because I found my way there in the first place...), info on spina bifida and other birth defects, list of phone numbers in OB, and medications safe to take during pregnancy (which was a horrible list anyways and didn't even explain the classifications.  Glad I kept my old one from when I was pregnant with Christopher!)  Oh yeah P.S. They're giving me a prescription for zyrtec!  Thank God.  These allergeis were knocking me on my butt. 

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Yard Sale Prep

October 2nd is the bi-annual post-wide rummage sale day.  I'm *hoping* to sell lots of Christopher's old clothes.  I already sold probably 50 items of clothes and donated some and I still have 11 heaping piles of clothes in my living room.  It's nuts! That way if baby #2 is a girl....(which I think it is)....then we can use the rummage sale money to buy girl clothes!  And if it's a boy....well then we'll still be able to buy new clothes :)  I want Rob to have the baby experience which is part of the reason I want to get rid of everything and start over.  It's going to be a new experience for me, too. I will actually have somebody to share this pregnancy with!  I'm so excited! 

Here's an idea I hope will help me sell at the sale: Stuff-a-bag.
I'm having small, medium, and large gift bags for $12, $20, and $30.  Whatever fits in the bag will be theirs for the set price!  I really want to get rid of his clothes.  Especially if we're going to be moving... which is a definite possibility.  Don't even want to think of that right now!  We just got settled in down here! 

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A baby is a gift of life
      born of the wonder of love----
A little bit of eternity
      sent from the Father above,
Giving a new dimenstion to the love
     between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
     to the wonder and mystery of life.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Non-toxic -----> Such a great idea!

Good thing they're non-toxic!  My sneaky little monkey of a child climbed in his closet, pulled down the bath toys, and I walked into his room to find his mouth completely blue. "NOM NOM!"  I bet.....

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hamburger -- hold the tomato, lettuce, meat, ketchup, mayo, & onions please

NAUSEOUS. so nauseous. can't eat food....or even smell it. I smell food: I puke. I see food: I puke. This is terrible.