Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rainy Day

Last night Rob and I got to go out on a date :)  For the first time in like 6 months!  Went to a place in Manhattan, KS called the "Purple Pig" (Purple is the color of K-State...).  We were the only people in there besides 2 drunk guys at the bar and the bartender!  It was fun, though.  I really enjoyed getting out.  But, it's been so long that I forgot what it's like NOT to be with Christopher!  Kind of weird.  I had to keep telling myself he was fine and to just enjoy the night out.  We had deep-fried pickles -- they were really good

Anywho.  Today is a blah day.  I woke up with a headache and it's raining still.  It was the first storm Christopher's ever been awake for, though.  Usually they're all at night and he never wakes up or hears them.  So at 5:15 this morning he wanted to watch the lightning!  hehe. It was cute.  Then he went back to sleep until 8 am.  I entered him in the Gerber PhotoSearch contest and we can start voting for his picture October 3rd!  I'm not actually expecting him to win but it would be SO neat if he did.  $25,000 college scholarship.  That would be nice considering tuition costs are just going to keep going up!

The photo I entered for the contest.

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