Thursday, September 09, 2010

Yard Sale Prep

October 2nd is the bi-annual post-wide rummage sale day.  I'm *hoping* to sell lots of Christopher's old clothes.  I already sold probably 50 items of clothes and donated some and I still have 11 heaping piles of clothes in my living room.  It's nuts! That way if baby #2 is a girl....(which I think it is)....then we can use the rummage sale money to buy girl clothes!  And if it's a boy....well then we'll still be able to buy new clothes :)  I want Rob to have the baby experience which is part of the reason I want to get rid of everything and start over.  It's going to be a new experience for me, too. I will actually have somebody to share this pregnancy with!  I'm so excited! 

Here's an idea I hope will help me sell at the sale: Stuff-a-bag.
I'm having small, medium, and large gift bags for $12, $20, and $30.  Whatever fits in the bag will be theirs for the set price!  I really want to get rid of his clothes.  Especially if we're going to be moving... which is a definite possibility.  Don't even want to think of that right now!  We just got settled in down here! 

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