Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finally fall

Better late than never!  I love waking up to a nice, chilly house and actually being able to snuggle in my blankets before rolling out of bed.  Christopher and I are going to take a morning walk today in the beautiful sunshine weather.  I am definitely feeling more pregnant -- my "bloating" is starting to get pretty hard.  There's a discernible roundness to my belly -- maybe not visible to other people who don't know me well and may mistake it for some extra chub; but, I can tell!  Only 3 more days until our ultrasound!!!!  You can't tell that I'm excited or anything.  I absolutely can't wait to hear the heartbeat and see the cute little kiwi!  (It's the size of a kiwi, supposedly.)  2 inches long and 4.5 grams!  Awwww....

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