Monday, September 13, 2010

First OB appt / ULTRASOUND!!!

So the doctor appointment went well...blah blah blah GOT TO SEE THE BABY!!  It was so exciting :)  I got a phone call a few days ago saying they forgot to schedule the ultrasound in radiology and that it wasn't routine for the OB to do one... so they were going to have to re-schedule.  Then, when I saw the nurse today she saw that I had been to the ER for cramping / bleeding and also had a history of miscarriages, well, she decided to get me back there just to make sure.  It was a relief because it definitely hasn't felt 100% "real" until today.  I got to see the heartbeat!  But since it was a portable ultrasound (and pretty small) she wasn't able to record it or get the BPM (beats per minute).  My next ultrasound / appointment is scheduled for October 1st with a midwife.  Today the baby was measuring at 8 weeks 5 days (which is right on...I'm 8 weeks 2 days).  Everything is going wonderful!  I also had to stop at the lab before I left and have my bloodwork done (see if your iron levels are normal etc) annnd -- my favorite -- I got to pee in a cup! LOVE THAT!

And with the rest of the doctor appointment....they really didn't do too much. Weighed me -- I've lost weight since becoming pregnant.  20 lbs total since I moved down here!  Checked my blood pressure: 120 / 75. Perfect.  I saw the nurse and she gave me a bunch of pamphlets: map of the hospital and directions how to get to the OB dept (which I obviously don't need because I found my way there in the first place...), info on spina bifida and other birth defects, list of phone numbers in OB, and medications safe to take during pregnancy (which was a horrible list anyways and didn't even explain the classifications.  Glad I kept my old one from when I was pregnant with Christopher!)  Oh yeah P.S. They're giving me a prescription for zyrtec!  Thank God.  These allergeis were knocking me on my butt. 

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