Friday, October 15, 2010

BBQ and Baked Apples=Fall

MMMMmmmm I LOVE FALL!  WAHOOOOO!!  I wake up to the house at a brisk 56 degrees and I looove it.  There's nothing better than being able to snuggle up in the blankets and then be able to put slippers and a sweatshirt on.  It's awesome!  My hubby doesn't like it so much...but I can use the pregnancy as an excuse to get my way...right?  hahaha.  I made homemade BBQ sauce today and put it in the crockpot with a beef roast.  We're having some guys from Rob's company over for dinner (and they all like to eat...a lot) so, I figured we'd need A LOT of food!  Pulled BBQ beef sandwiches sound delicious!  In addition to all of the food they're going to be grilling!  I really don't like grilled food so much when I'm pregnant.  It was the same thing when I was pregnant with Christopher.  It makes me a tad bit nauseous!  So yeah.  And I'm baking some apples with butter and cinnamon (nummmmy).  Yesterday Christopher cracked me up -- once again!  He hid rocks from my zen garden and I absolutely couldn't find them anywhere.  Guess where his ingenious hiding spot was???? HIS DIAPER!!! Ohhh he cracks me up.  The kid took a nap with rocks in his diaper.  What a goofball.  I'm feeling more preggers!  My belly is firming up.  It's cute.  I am much more at ease with it this time than when I was pregnant with Christopher.  I know that as long as I exercise and walk and don't pig out on useless calories that I'm going to be just fine.  I'm doing much better with "embracing" the whole pregnancy thing.  I'm enjoying it very much!  Getting so excited to start feeling baby2 kick regularly.  Although that's going to mean problems getting comfortable and sleeping.  Oh well! 

Christopher enjoying the fall weather and the outdoors

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