Saturday, October 30, 2010

15 Weeks Pregnant

I am feeling H-U-G-E today.  I think I'm definitely giong to have a belly from here on out.  I wonder if I'm going to get an outie this time?  I hope not.  Not with my bellybutton thing...that would geek me out.  (Ever since I was little my Grandma told me if I played with my bellybutton my intestines would pop out.  Annnd ever since then I've had this "thing" about my bellybutton.  Nobody can touch it and just thinking of having an outie makes me a little's weird.  I know.)  Bye-bye "good" days  =)  That's ok!  At least that answers the question "Is she pregnant?  Or is she just getting fat in the middle?"  PREGNANT!!!  hehe.  I officially have one pair of jeans that are awesome and fitting great.  I have a feeling I might be washing them every 2 days until I break down and buy maternity pants!  Maternity pants aren't so bad though.  They're so darn comfy!  Perfect for the holidays.  I really want to find a super cute pair of maternity jeans this time around...

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