Monday, November 01, 2010


I'm not sure if this is Sciatica or what...I definitely need to go in and have this checked out: I can't stand for longer than 30 minutes without getting a shooting pain down my lower back and I can't sit or lay down without it hurting.  It starts at the left indent in my lower back and goes down the left side of my leg.  Thinking back to when I first noticed it, it was after I sneezed.  I felt a pinching in my lower back and what starts as a dull ache turns into a shooting pain if I step or sit incorrectly.  This is a huge problem because, as of right now, I can't lift Christopher up and I'm having a hard time going upstairs and getting the housework done.  I tried vacuuming, but gave that up after 2 minutes.  Rob's out training in the field right now, so I had to lower Christopher's crib so he could climb into it himself! Hopefully they can get me in soon.  My next appointment is November 10th for my 16 week...but I don't think I'll make it that long!  Ugh!  Pregnancy annoyances!   On a happy note:  I can feel baby moving around right now and that makes me smile =)

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