Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Maybe I will be bald by the end of the day

I love my child dearly...BUT SOME DAYS!!!.... RRRRRR!!!

He decided he was going to take his umbrella and whack our Christmas tree which shattered 2 ornaments.  So while I was cleaning those up I had to abandon the closet (which I'm organizing) and he pulled a bunch of stuff out and then sprayed foot powder all over.  There's another mess.  Somehow he then got into my craft basket that was on the table and dumped a baggie-ful of paper scraps in our back hall....putzy pain in the a$$ to clean up.  Now I'm flustered and he's thirsty / hungry after he just refused breakfast and a snack. So fine. I put him in the booster chair and give him his big boy cup (that's all he'll drink out of now) and some cut up apple bits.  I know it shouldn't bother me too much that he wanted to put his apples in his milk. Fine.  But then he friggin was trying to take a drink and the milk and apples went all over.  Needless to say he's playing in his childproof room where he can destroy away and mommy can have a time-out.  And guess what?  It's only 8:40 a.m.  He's only been awake for a little over an hour..........

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