Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pain in the...Rib?

Well it's back.  My rib pain in the right side is an all-too-familiar symptom of pregnancy for me.  Sadly one that's not as welcomed as the little kicks and ultrasound pictures! 

Dear Girl Who Punched Me in the Chest,
Thanks.  I really appreciate it.  Little did you know you caused the cartilage to separate from my ribs.  In big doctor terms "costochondral separation". It healed up at the time. (I was 11 I think. And she was an ogre-ish weirdo who just punched me for no reason...) However it acts up when I'm pregnant.  And of course I can't take the anti-inflammatory meds I need, or get adequate rest when I'm getting up every hour to pee and chasing my toddler around during the day.  So basically I'm screwed and in a ton of pain and can't take anything for it!  I would also like to say that if I ever see you, I would be sorely tempted to whack you a good one back.



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