Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who Am I?

I am a:
-- mother (See also chaffeur, cook, maid, entertainer, magician, laundry service, singer, activities coordinator, teacher)
-- wife
-- student
-- Christian
-- 21-year old
-- individual
-- woman
-- daughter (See also niece, grand-daughter, great grand-daughter, sister, step-sister, cousin,)

Sometime's it's so easy to forget who I am; especially on days that demand so much of my attention!  I remember the days when homework was just homework.  When being a student meant that all I had to focus my attention on was my schoolwork (and what alcoholic beverage I was going to be consuming on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night).  When my biggest decision about dinner was whether or not to make Ramen, Mac-n-Cheese, or order a pizza.  Now, I'm doing homework while running the dishwasher, making sure the laundry is being switched outfeeding Christopher, and checking to see that the ingredients for dinner are thawing

 When Christopher lays down for a nap it could be my time to rest---or I could get the much-needed vacuuming done. 
              But, while I'm vacuuming, I'm thinking about the homework I have to do. 
When I'm doing homework, I think about how I should be out taking a walk. 
               When I'm out taking a walk, I'm thinking about how I should be at home spending time with Rob. 
 It's never ending!  I need to take time out of my day just to remember who I am.  I am Sara.  I am NOT going to get everything on my to-do list done every day.  And that's ok. 

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