Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Infection somewhere...

Had a urinalysis done today before my OB appt.  Met with an OB specialist: found out I have a very high number of "leukocyte esterase" in my urine which is not normal.  More likely than not it means I have a kidney / bladder infection or UTI; but in rare cases means an infection in the amniotic fluid.  (I know they are obligated to tell me the worst case scenario...but I wish they wouldn't).  Also had a type of bacteria in my  cervical mucus (which could be caused by the infection...I'm waiting on the results of the culture) and they think I have either a kidney or bladder infection.  If it is indeed a kidney infection this could be the source of my back pain.  Right now they gave me the diagnosis of sciatica (he doesn't think it's a herniated disc, and even if it is there's no way to test for it right now because he won't do an X-Ray or MRI while I'm pregnant.  Totally understandable.)  Found the baby's heartbeat after about 3 min of searching and it was a strong 151 bpm.  Baby is laying directly on my spine at this point...also a contributing factor to back pain!  Found out that I did, indeed, have a shoulder dystocia while delivering Christopher and am strongly urged to have a C-Section for this baby.  They think it's going to be another large baby because my fundal height is measuring 1 week and 2 days larger than how far along I am.  Same as with Christopher!  As of right now I'm munching on fruit snacks...

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