Friday, November 12, 2010

17 Weeks Pregnant

This picture is from

Baby's length: 5 inches
Baby's weight: 5 ounces
Baby's cartilage is turning to bone and he / she is swallowing the amniotic fluid to develop taste buds.

Pregnancy Joys: As belly increases, balance decreases due to a change in the center of gravity.  (Ahhhh....that explains the recent clumsiness!)

Unfortunately at the ultrasound on wednesday we were unable to see whether Baby 2 is a boy or a girl.  He/she is SUPER active and the cord is wrapped around the thigh and between the legs.  Our next ultrasound is dec. 13th so we will hopefully be able to find out then!  The heartbeat was 160 and 152, though :)    Right now I am mostly feeling the baby move at night and in the morning when I first wake up.  I am feeling more and more pregnant every day!

1 comment:

  1. Finding out the sex of your baby is truly the biggest and most wonderful surprise you’ll ever
    experience in life. I preferred to wait and find out at the delivery whether we were to be blessed with a son or a daughter.
