Sunday, October 10, 2010

Disastrous Day

Today is officially one of "those days".  I couldnt' wke up for anythign this morning and, even though I'd sworn off caffeine (coffee), it was a NECESSITY to have a cup.  Wasn't even a question.  I'm fairly sure I would've been quite content laying face-down on the couch snoozing all day if I hadn't had that cup of coffee to perk me up this morning.  We went to Wal*Mart which is sure to never improve one's mood.  Got home and I took a nap as long as Christopher was napping.  Woke up in a good mood!  Started making lasagna (3 cheese bubbling lasagna with fresh chopped parsley etc...)  Let me tell you lasagna is not something that's really easy to quick whip up if it's from scratch and you're doing it a certain way.  You have to prep the noodles and the filling and chop stuff up and make the sauce (homemade...).  Not to mention Christopher was super-duper hungry so he kept walking around whining "I HUNGGY!!".  And I wasn' tabout to feed him snacks right before finally the lasagna was finished.  Ohhh it was perfecto.  Golden cheese on top bubbling.  MMMmmmm...and then?  I took a bite.  The ricotta cheese must've been spoiled and I hadn't realized it when I was mixing it in with the mozzarella, parmesan, and eggs.  So then that threw me into a fit of barfing.  Christopher was still hungry.  So here I have this delicious looking lasagna which I spent an hour making and then an hour baking!  and it's spoiled and I couldn't even eat it.   So I grab a cup out of the dishwasher only to find that our P.O.S. dishwasher DIDN'T WASH THE DISHES.  Now I have to handwash them anyways after rinsing them all off....UGH.  We had mac-n-cheese for dinner.  Well -- Christopher did.  I had a yogurt.  Now I'm going to sit here with my hormones and sulk and listen to Daniel Powter.  Cliche?  I don't care.  I need this today. 

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