Monday, October 25, 2010


I've been having terrible problems with migraines.  They start as a dull ache and tightening in the back of my neck / head and usually around afternoon (often around 3 pm) the pain moves to the top of my head and it feels like my eyes are going to pop out.  When I move, my head throbs.  The only thing that gets rid of them are 1.) Icy hot on my neck / temples 2.) Bandana wrapped tightly around my eyes and head 3.) Rice sock 4.) Sleeping in a dark room away from noise and light  5.) Few sips to 1 can of Mt. Dew.  I think the caffeine in the Mt. Dew is what makes it work.  Usually (when I'm not pregnant) I take an excedrin and that makes the migraine go right away.  I've also been craving chocolate this week -- which is weird for me -- and having bad mood swings.  Maybe they go hand in hand with migraines?!   Other than migraines, the pregnancy is going well =)  When I lay on my back I get the cute little pregnancy bump and I can feel the baby move sometimes.  Can't wait until it's everyday!!!

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