Monday, October 18, 2010

Grandpa Scott & Grandma Mary coming to visit!

Today my dad and his fiance are coming to visit!  Yay =)  It's about a 10 1/2 hour drive without stopping.  But as soon as you turn off the interstate to make a bathroom break or fill up the tank it honestly adds 20 to 30 minutes every time.  So, essentially, it can take up to 14 hours if you're stopping alot and have a 1 1/2 year old!  They left at 8 a.m. so I'm assuming they'll be here around 7:30 pm.  My dad -- being the prankster he is -- texted me super early this morning saying "Iowa Sucks"... (Iowa is about the halfway point...  then I got another text from him at 8:55 a.m. saying "The day has come..."  (he's been texting me the countdown til he gets here for the past month) and then 10 seconds later the doorbell rings.  So natrually i'm assuming it's him at the door and he wasn't kidding about Iowa.  PSYCH!  It was a woman coming to pick up some of Christopher's old stuff, not dad.  I about had a heartattack because I want the house to be very clean when they get here and I still ahve to run to the store etc.  Anyways -- that's about it!  I'm going to tackle the nail polish stain in the carpet that my wonderful son left last night!  And then I'm going to try and remove the blue crayon from his bedroom walls with some goo gone.  That's about the only thing I haven't tried on it yet so I'm really hoping it will work!  We live in a pre-fab house and they have really cheap paint so everything else took the 1/2 inch layer of paint right off the walls. 

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