Sunday, January 30, 2011

28 Weeks Pregnant

Baby, fetus at 28 weeks - BabyCenter
Ryan weighs between 2 and 3 lbs and is nearly 15 inches long!

This week starts the beginning of my 3rd Trimester -------> I'm in shock! I can't believe we're this far already!!!

My nose is getting more pregnant =)  I'm still feeling pretty good, though!  I found that on the days when I exercise / stretch I don't have the pelvic pressure afterwards and the next day.  So I've been trying to get that in every other day.  I have a feeling that I won't have a problem losing the weight after this baby between chasing Christopher and getting housework done.  Absolutely can't wait to meet him -- it's taking longer for me to fall asleep at night because that's when I relax and really get excited!

Friday, January 28, 2011

What about pregnancy was shocking to you? What parts of it do you REALLY not like? Does anything about it make you laugh?

Shocking: I think it's crazy to see how big you can actually get! You don't feel like it at the time...but to look back at pictures is crazy! Dislike: I really don't like the stretch marks. At all...but they're easier to handle the second time around. Laugh-worthy: Sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant...or don't realize my belly's getting bigger and I knock stuff over or off of the table! That always cracks me up =)

Life, love, kids, marriage, college, getting a job, growing up...ANYTHING! Ask away

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Do you enjoy pregnancy?

I do! It's definitely easier the second time around. It's uncomfortable at times...and not every aspect of it is all rainbows and unicorns...but, it's only temporary and I'm determined to try and soak up every experience that goes along with it =)

Life, love, kids, marriage, college, getting a job, growing up...ANYTHING! Ask away

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Thank God for Netflix.

It's 1:30 a.m. and you've been sleeping for a little less than 4 hours.
You recognize that "oh-too-familiar" pelvic ache and absolutely cannot lay in bed any longer.
What do you do?
Research your future phone and watch Netflix.

Good deal.

This little dandy is what I have my eye on..... I'm pretty much drooling after using a Stone Age phone since August!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Icy Trip to L&D

As I'm making pancakes for Christopher and I this morning I start feeling funny.  Brush it off...get a drink of water...nahhh. It's nothing.  Then my peripheral vision completely goes and I get huge bands of wavy silvery lines in my sight and I can hardly see anything at all.  I sat down; which actually made me super nauseous...(but probably kept me from fainting) and my vision went away even more -- from dime sized holes to absolutely nothing.  Totally scary experience.  After a minute I could see again -- but barely.  Nothing if I looked directly at the object and no peripherals...still had the huge silvery bands.  Thank goodness it happened on a weekend and Robert was home so we could go in right away. 

Big thanks to a wonderful neighbor who was able to watch Christopher for us today!  It had to be the worst day to go to the hospital...while it looked like it was just snowing a little outside, we got out to the car and it was completely iced over. (Really awesome when your 45 degree driveway is also iced and you're 6 months pregnant)  We got to the hospital and went up to L&D where they hooked me up to the monitors to make sure Ryan was ok...I was really nervous because during the episode he started flipping and moving like I've never felt him do before.  As soon as they put the heartrate monitor on and we heard his strong little heartbeat, I felt so much better.  They did a rudimentary eye test on me (which I flunked because I had no peripherals!) and decided to send me for a head CT scan.  We got the low-down on radiation exposure to the baby and they weighed the odds and strongly advised me to do it.  (Exposure was <1 and up to 6 is considered "safe" during pregnancy.  It also wasn't a direct scan on my abdomen and they covered me up with the lead vest.)  The contrast dye that they injected made me feel like I peed my was gross!  And I don't think Ryan liked it much either.  It does pose a risk to the baby's thyroid gland...but it's rare and something they can detect immediately after birth.  Thankfully the CT scan came back clean!

If you're prone to fainting before're MORE prone to fainting during pregnancy.  With my heart condition, they're thinking it's just a simple case of that and the doctor gave me some tips on how to avoid it and what to do if it happens again.  He says as my uterus continues to grow, it will keep pushing on the major vein that affects blood supply.  My fuzzy vision is the side effect of my body nearly fainting and that if it happens again to sit down (preferably lay down) so blood can get to the brain.  Rx : rest.  I'm taking a short dinner / blog break now and am planning on going back to have an early bedtime tonight!

I do miss my little man so much, though...I know he's fine and having a fun time at his's just so weird without him  =(    Hopefully I wake up tomorrow feeling 100% refreshed and better.  Very thankful that both the baby and I are fine and it's nothing serious.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Toddler Tantrums

Tantrums are wearing on my patience and trying my sanity.  I feel totally exasperated by them and I find myself dreading what small event (dipping my tater tot in his ketchup) might set off an uncontrollable and inconsolable episode.  I've read the books and the articles and sometimes I just feel like, "BUT THESE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW MY CHILD."  Even though it feels like it, I am positive I'm not alone here. 
Every kid is different and nobody can be an expert on Christopher except for Rob and I!  Some days -- like today -- I don't feel like an expert at all. 

Tantrum Tips:
*Prevention is key ::: knowing how to offset a problem before it happens is easier than trying to diffuse a full-blown tantrum
* Take a deep breath ::: sounds so simple.  Count to 10.  Empathize.  This is tough for them, too!
* Shake it out ::: Imitate your an extent.  Flail your arms out a bit and shake off the stress.  Before you know it he/she will stop screaming, try to figure out what you're doing, and join in with you!
* Give YOURSELF a timeout ::: Put your toddler in a safe place where they can have some space.  Then set the timer, make a cup of tea, and just sit down and mellow out.  It's good for you both.
*Pray ::: You're not alone. 

27 Weeks + $10 Amazon Baby Promo

Amazon Baby Promo
Opened up my BabyTalk Magazine yesterday to find a $10 OFF promo code to use in the baby store!  I ordered the diaper pail from my wish list (that's currently on sale!!!) in my account and with my *free* prime shipping benefits it will be here Tuesday!  Oh ... and how much did it cost?  15 cents! 

 I guess all of this thriftiness will help pay off that darn parking ticket  =)

Baby, fetus at 27 weeks - BabyCenter

27 Weeks
According to the website, Ryan is a head of cauliflower this week!  Or if you're following the man's list ... the size of a 13-inch boot!  I love the man's list ---> 

He weighs approximately 2 1/4 lbs and is about 14 1/2 inches long

Currently I'm getting alot of achiness in my pelvis...(wah wah wah...whine whine whine...I KNOW!!!)  and it's becoming difficult to get to sleep...or at least find a comfortable enough position.  I am grateful that I haven't had this problem from the very start, though!  Slept on the couch last night and am actually feeling pretty energetic today.  That might be related to the fact that I MADE myself do my morning workout.  Feeling pretty good! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

do you have names picked?

We do! Ryan Casimir. Ryan was the only name we could agree on (my husband likes the more common names and I like different / contemporary ones). We like Ryan because then the baby and my hubby will have the same initials.

Life, love, kids, marriage, college, getting a job, growing up...ANYTHING! Ask away

Has your husband deployed?

Sorry it took so long to respond! I didn't realize my formspring notifications were going to my spam inbox. But no --- thankfully he will not be deploying until later so he will be here for the baby! Such a relief and a blessing.

Life, love, kids, marriage, college, getting a job, growing up...ANYTHING! Ask away

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


B.H. could stand for a lot of things today
* Bad Hair
* Burnt Hotdogs
* Bleak habitat (it's sooo gray and gloomy outside...yuck)
* Barn ... or House?
* Big Hassle (out of order ATM,45 minutes at the post office with a screaming 2-year old, and then I forget the one thing that I ran my errand for?!?)
* Baby Hiccups ---> these were actually super cute!!
* Blue-eyed Hysteria (....6 tantrum meltdowns by noon?!? *sigh*)

But mostly it stands for Braxton Hicks.  These are definitely more uncomfortable and more noticeable than in my first pregnancy and since Christopher is finally napping: I'm going to go have a rest, too!

So -- in light of everything 'BH' today -- I think my mantra will be


If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again

If I had my child to raise over again,
I'd fingerpaint more and point the finger less.
I'd do less correcting and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I'd take more hikes and fly more kites.
I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I'd run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I'd do more hugging and less tugging.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later.
I'd teach less about the love of power, and more about the power of love.
                             --- Diane Loomans

I can't say how much I absolutely love this "poem".  I found it in a book I'm reading about entertaining pre-schoolers...and it just made a huge impact!  I'm framing it so I can read it every day. Makes me realize that "time flies" may be a welcome thing for tantrums and emptying shampoo bottles out; but then again when the tantrums go, so do the naps and the adorable, sweet innocence of a little kid...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

26 Weeks Pregnant

Baby, fetus at 26 weeks - BabyCenter
Approximate weight: 1 2/3 lbs
Approx. Length: 14 inches
He's swallowing amniotic fluid to develop the air sacs in his lungs and just putting on baby fat!  =)

I have been feeling extremely tired the past couple of days...maybe that means baby's having a growth spurt!  I feel much more pregnant at night and my belly contortions are now officially visible to onlookers!  Had a wive's get-together last night and they could see him moving around. Bought a Munchkin diaper stacker / organizer off of bookoo for $7 and I love it!  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby Deals!

My faves:
* American Baby Magazine
* Baby Talk Magazine
* ----> somehow got a free subscription to Parenting Magazine
* Gerber Start Healthy (lots of coupons and some freebies!)
* Similac Strong Moms (despite their past formula problem...I think they're more "on" it now)
* Enfamil coupons coupons and freebies!!!
* Target --- make a baby registry and receive a free $20 gift card w/ tote, coupons, and free samples of huggies, pampers, and Johnson's!
*  ----> head here for some great deal on new or gently used baby items!  Stuff that only gets used for a couple of months and is in otherwise great shape  =)  Find one in your area and go to the "baby" category!

I also love / free shipping on large items!  Often times there are some really great promo codes and discounts in the baby magazines that I get!   is my absolute new favorite thing!  I signed up for it and got free prime shipping benefits (2 day shipping).  In the baby magazines you often get additional 20% off diapers (and you can use more than one!).  By clicking on subscribe and save -- cancel at anytime -- I received additional 30% off.  So my $46.99 box of 264 Pampers Swaddlers only cost me $8.99 AND was delivered right to my door!  WOOHOO!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Little Owl Fabric Project

Got inspired by something I saw online and decided to try my hand at making my own take on it! 
 I spent...
 $4.52 on fabric pieces (and got alot of it for the money...probably used *maybe* 50 cents worth!)  I plan on using the extras to sew up some owl toys for Ryan's room...but that will be later. 
Polka dot ribbon : $1.97 for the roll (I used it on other projects, too)
Green polka dot ribbon: $1.97 (entire roll)
Wood plaques: $1.12 each
Gray paint: 92 cents
Brown paint: 97 cents
Permanent fabric / wood glue: $2.97

---- If I broke it down this project probably only cost me $3.00 ---

Time: 3 hours

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Diaper Troubles

I am honestly wondering if they make diapers with suspenders?  Christopher and potty training aren't going so well.  He sits on his potty --- he even tells me he has to pee and then as soon as the diaper goes back on, he pees!  He peed in the potty once all by himself and that was it.  I've heard to just wait and be patient; but, this nighttime thing is driving me nuts!  (He's a little nudist) and takes all of his clothes off when he goes to bed AND he takes his diaper off.  So in the middle of the night I hear wailing and I go in there and he's (naked) basically asleep and wet the bed.  It's become an almost every night thing =(  Training pants don't work because those are even easier for him to get down.  I'm in need of potty training hints!  Otherwise I guess I'm going to repeat the quick potty-training thing because this whole "slowly easing in" just is NOT working.  His poor sheets are a wreck and they look so icky!  I can't wait until he's potty-trained so we can get him some new ones.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Why is bleu, taboo?

I HATE bleu cheese. 


 It smells like feet.  It's absolutely repulsive and has a funny aftertaste...and I can't get enough of it!  This pregnancy has made me like bleu cheese (dressing...don't worry, I'm not eating the unpasteurized stuff).  Before I was pregnant I would gag from just the smell of bleu cheese.  I had tried it a couple of times and actually spit it out --- which I don't do unless something is reeeeeally, really bad.  And then -- before I even knew I was pregnant -- I had a random urge to put it on my sandwich one day.  (This was in early August) I loved it!  I even put bleu cheese crumbles on my pizza --- (also pasteurized! I checked the label).  Since that's all I want on my my mashed potatoes...for dipping my steak in...on my broccoli.  I know the doc said it's alright to eat -- especially if it's just the dressing... but then you get the people that are like uber over the top with everything (completely avoiding caffeine etc...) and I almost feel a little guilty for having it!  Ugh!    I wonder if I will go back to hating it after I'm not pregnant anymore???

25 Weeks Pregnant

Baby, fetus at 25 weeks - BabyCenter
Baby's approx length: 13 1/2 inches
Baby's approx weight: 1.5 lbs

My pregnancy symptoms:
: Achy pelvis...especially after sleeping for a 4hr+ stretch of time without getting up to walk around a little bit.  The memory foam topper helps, though!  And it took away my back pain at night when falling asleep / waking up. 
:Insomnia --- nesting already?  I try to sleep and my brain is going a million miles / minute thinking about the nursery and the baby being here
:Cravings -- none
Doc appt: my blood pressure is 113/63 (yay me!) and the baby's heartrate was 153 beats/minute

I have energy and Im' feeling overall really great this pregnancy.  Not bogged down at all (yet!!!).  Just getting the nursery set up, organized, and decorated!  Am planning on making a nursery tour video on Monday  =D

Friday, January 07, 2011

Back from the Holidays

Whew it's been a long time since I've been on here!  The holidays were crazy --- Christmas at mom's, Christmas at Dad's, Christmas at Grandma's, Christmas at hubby's Aunt's...then a baby shower and my brother's birthday party and New Years Eve!!!  AGHHH!!  I'm surprised we aren't in the looney bin from it all.  The ride back to Kansas? ..... 1 word -- UNCOMFORTABLE.  We were literally packed in.  But at least we got it all back! 

My crafty self picked up a free entertainment center to fix up for the baby's room!  I am really on top of everything with this baby.  If I were to go into labor tonight I can honestly say that we wouldn't need anything.  How crazy is that?  I'm looking at my baby list and here's what I have left

* Double Stroller
* Rocking Chair Cushion Material
* Extra Crib Sheet
* Crib Skirt
* Mobile
* Towel Hooks
* Brown Paint
* Decorative Nursery Rug
*Decorative Dresser Knobs

WE HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE!  Including a couple boxes of newborn diapers, size 1 diapers, and a small stock of wipes.  That list may look long but considering what we have -- I'm so proud!  I'm having fun making the decor for the room which is themed in chocolate brown and sage  :)  Loving it!  Enjoying this pregnancy alot.  I feel fantastic.  So far I've only gained 5 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight -- yay for eating healthy and chasing a toddler!!! (Minus the holidays....whoaaa baby that was bad)

Tonight is an insomnia night (and Ryan is awake and contorting my belly) and since I have a doctor appointment tomorrow I should probably make attempt #3 at sleep....