Sunday, January 09, 2011

Diaper Troubles

I am honestly wondering if they make diapers with suspenders?  Christopher and potty training aren't going so well.  He sits on his potty --- he even tells me he has to pee and then as soon as the diaper goes back on, he pees!  He peed in the potty once all by himself and that was it.  I've heard to just wait and be patient; but, this nighttime thing is driving me nuts!  (He's a little nudist) and takes all of his clothes off when he goes to bed AND he takes his diaper off.  So in the middle of the night I hear wailing and I go in there and he's (naked) basically asleep and wet the bed.  It's become an almost every night thing =(  Training pants don't work because those are even easier for him to get down.  I'm in need of potty training hints!  Otherwise I guess I'm going to repeat the quick potty-training thing because this whole "slowly easing in" just is NOT working.  His poor sheets are a wreck and they look so icky!  I can't wait until he's potty-trained so we can get him some new ones.


  1. I know this sound weird but I had this same problem so i started putting on my little ones diaper backwards then using duck tape this worked and soon they stopped doing it and she just left in alone. I doesnt work if your using pull ups though. Another thing that helped with potty training is id set a timer for every 15 minutes and we would go in and sit on the potty read books and sing songs for 15-30min minutes. then if she went she would get a m&m and a sticker and then we wouldnt have to go for 30mins-1 hr. This was a life saver but it will be hard to keep with this when baby comes and also he might have accidents to get the attention away from the baby so its always hard specially bringing in a sibling... but keep up the good work and christopher will potty train when hes ready... :D

  2. Thank you so much for the potty training tips --- I love the timer and sticker ideas! I'm going to try them out =D *fingers crossed*!! I know it's a matter of time...and there's just one small connection for him to make and then I think we'll be ok. I can't wait to not buy diapers anymore for him!!!
