Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Longest Night Ever

Doing my 24 hour urinalysis...STILL.  I drank the fluids I was supposed to and so far have peed 4200 ml.  To me that seems like alot?  Anyways.

I'm not having a good night.  I'm totally swollen.  Homework is kicking my butt.  Ryan is poking his elbows and feet out of weird places and giving me Charley Horses in my belly.  And it honestly feels like the night is never going to end.  I feel like I haven't slept at all and yet like I've been sleeping for hours.  I went to bed at a little after 11.  Fell asleep.  Woke up at 12:40!  Couldn't fall back asleep til almost 2.  Felt like I've been sleeping for EVER...woke up....3:13!  My wrists have virtually disappeared.  I'm so swollen.  My toes are burning and itching; I think because my feet are swollen, too.  I'm having the WORST hot flashes and to top it off at 1 I was getting these sharp shooting pains 3 in above my pubic bone whenever Ryan turned his head.  I'm not sure if it was my cervix?  Whatever it was; it was excruciating and tears were just rolling down my face for thirty minutes.  My inner thighs / groin is cramping.  UGH. UGH. UGH.  Ok.  I just have to keep telling myself not much longer.  But this is the worst night.  I'm really thinking I don't have preeclamspia because my blood pressure has gone back to being low and only goes up to 135 at some points during the day.  I will be relieved once I have graduated so then I feel like Ryan can just come at any day.  I'm getting so exhausted. 

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