Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The Pharmacy

Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely HATE having to go to the pharmacy every month?  No?  Oh ok. Well I absolutely dread going to the pharmacy every month. 

Things I would rather do in place of going to the pharmacy:
-- Clean a public restroom
-- Drop a Thanksgiving turkey
-- Give up my cell phone for a month
-- Go in public without makeup
-- Listen to Reba McEntire songs for 1 hr
-- Have my toe run over by a car
-- Eat oatmeal
-- Shave off 1 eyebrow

Long story short:  I REALLY HATE going to the pharmacy. Let's break down how it usually goes.

Chase Christopher around the house.  Put on his socks and shoes.  Grab my car keys.  Purse? Check.  Wallet?  Check.  Military ID card? Check.  Put on Christopher's shoe again.  Turn lights off.  Did I leave my straightener on? ...*run upstairs to check.* (No. I didn't.) Pick up Christopher and head out door.  Go back in house because I forgot my purse.  Unlock car doors.  Put Christopher in carseat.  Listen to hysterical fit because we don't need to open the garage door.  Head to Post.  Wait in traffic at the Gate because -- of course! -- it's lunch hour.  Find a parking spot (easier said than done).  Put Christopher's shoes back on.  Haul him to the entrance to get a cart.  Wait in line for 45 minutes while convincing him not to scream at the top of his lungs, jump out of the cart, take off his shoes, or yell at the child in line behind us who's making a messWalk through store for a little bit.  Christopher starts to get cranky.  Time to drive around in the car.  The park! Yes! Get to the park and as soon as Christopher's on the playground:  phone beeps.  Prescription's ready. @*$%.  Give Christopher a few minutes to play.  "Time to go!"  *Tantrum*.  Climb my 7-month-pregnant butt up to the top of the playground and haul a screaming / kicking 2-year-old to the car.  Buckle him in carseat.  "Poopies."  *Sniff*   CrapLiterally.  Look around and decide to change the pullup outside of the vehicle as there are no restrooms anywhere.  Take shoes off.  Take pants off.  Take pullup off.  Poop on socks.  Take socks off.  Wipe butt.  New pullup.  Pants back on.  Haul upset little Christopher BACK into his carseat.  Go BACK to pharmacy.  *DEEP BREATH*  Find parking spot. HOW ARE THERE THIS MANY PEOPLE HERE?!?!  Mini meltdown.  Ahhhh...ok.  Better.  Get out.  Get Christopher. Get cart.  NO CARTS!?  Ok. No cart.  Wait in line...45 minutes.....Christopher dancing.  Christopher spinning on the floor.  Christopher pulling his shirt up.  Christopher swinging his leg and kicking the guy in front of us.  Christopher sitting on the floor.  Christopher yelling.  Christopher's mad because he saw someone with french fries.  FINALLY we're up. Get prescriptions.  Get the HECK OUT OF THERE!  Car. Drive. Home.  Get 1 minute away from home and look in back seat to spot a peacefully sleeping little angel.  Get home.  Reverse car into driveway.  Pick up sleeping little angel and carry him to bed.  Blog about how much I hate the pharmacy.... 

Total time of ordeal: 3 HOURS

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