Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Taking a Toddler to Church

Going to church is something that is important to me.  I think it's also important that I bring Christopher along; more for the experience than the fact that he's actually going to get anything out of listening to the sermon!  But it is something that requires careful planning.  Especially if you're 7 months pregnant and can't bend over to pick tiny toys up off of the floor if he drops them mid-service!  It may be a challenge...but it's totally worth it! 

 I love when he gets so excited because the Pastor is talking or because the sun shines through the stained glass windows!  And then there are the memorable moments like this: he's ready to leave and it's the closing hym and he's belting out in the most angelic little voice ...

"ALL DONE!!! BUHH-bye. buh-BYE allllll DOOOOONEEE!!!  All done.  All done. all done.   BUHHHHH-bye" for 4 stanzas of the song and making everyone laugh.  I love it!

Our "CHURCH BAG" includes:
-- Coloring book and *crayons* (markers will be used to turn the wooden pew pretty colors...NOT GOOD!)
-- Magnet toys
-- Suckers ... he only gets them when he's sitting AND it keeps his mouth occupied.  Double Bonus!
-- "Special" Snacks that he only gets in church.
-- Matchbox cars
-- Random bracelets with fun beads from mommy's jewelry box!
-- Hair brush
-- Juice / water
-- Kids books
-- Frog Beanie Baby or anything small that they can grab like that and play "farm". 

-- Stickers (thinking I could actually convince him to only stick them in his coloring book?! HA!!)
-- Crinkly textures book...you don't realize just HOW noisy it is until you're in the middle of Silence & Reflection
-- Koosh ball...what more can I say. It's a ball....balls get thrown.  This particular one got thrown 2 pews ahead of us where 2 adorable old ladies were sitting.  Whoopsies!
-- Any toy that makes noise even if you can turn it off.  Of course they figure out how to turn it on and then that's the ONLY toy they want to play with!
-- Markers. If the pew doesn't get colored, that's great!  But there's also the danger of them getting sniffed and you'll end up spending 10 minutes trying to wipe the blue Hitler mustache off of your little one's face vs. listening to the sermon.  Not that I would know from personal experience...
-- Candy bracelet.  It will get tugged on and you'll be cleaning up tiny candies while trying to keep one hand on a rampant toddler who's hysterical because his nummies are all over the floor.
--Blocks.  Your mini-me gets frustrated easily and if construction doesn't go as planned and that one block won't balance on top; all of the blocks will be up in the air...and in the pew in front of you...and behind you...

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