Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers Day 2011 -- Sharpie, Sharpie

Mommy tried to sleep in.  There was the first bad idea!  I had been awake with Ryan since 3 and was going back to bed at 6:45.  Woke up to feed Ryan again at 8 and listened down the hallway for Christopher (usually he knocks on his door and wakes me with a very loud, annoyingly sweet, and deliberate "MooooOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!") but heard nothing and assumed he was sleeping.  Oh how very wrong I was....

Skip forward to 9:15 a.m.  Rob woke up to go downstairs.  Shortly afterwards I hear from below..."What the hell?!!"  I then heard him come back upstairs.  After standing in our room in silence for a few moments he said, "You should see what he did."  Hesitantly I started down the hallway, immediately noticing that Christopher had indeed opened the door to his room, scaled the 3.5 foot gate, and stealthily wreaked mischief on our house. (After pulling his lamp off of his dresser and overturning all of his drawers in his own room of course.  Oh and taking Ryan's baby bath out and pouring shampoo into it...)  Ohhh that little house terrorist....  He climbed up on the counter and got himself a snack of crackers that were all over the floor.  Got into my craft cabinet and got the markers, crayons, and sharpies out.  The laptop was on the floor.  The top of the fishtank was tore off and the fish were floating in a reddish murky water which turned out to be an entire bottle of fish food.  All 4 of my full bottles of hair product and lotion were squeezed into the toilet and my makeup was everywhere and then there was the "beautiful" colorings all overWhich brings me to "Sharpie, Sharpie".  Oh and did I mention Christopher was naked?  Yup.  But even after all of that you just can't be mad at a 2 year old who's showing you his "beautiful" drawings who was so proud of himself for feeding the fishies and gettig himself breakfast and making tattoos on his arm "like daddy"... :)  OH WELL!  iT'S LiFE


Sharpie, sharpie everywhere.                            
Sharpie in my child's hair.
Sharpie on our living room floor.
Sharpie on the patio door.
Sharpie on the tv screen
Redpinkyellowblue AND green.
Sharpie, sharpie everywhere.
Sharpie on the rocking chair.
Sharpie on the fishy tank.
Sharpie on the piggy bank.
Sharpie on the baby's swing.
Sharpie on my decorational thing.
Sharpie on the kitchen table.
My mental status? : unstable.
Sharpie on the DVD's.
Somebody tell me I'm dreaming, please.

Sharpie on the booster seat.
                 Sharpie on my child's feet.
                       Sharpie everywhere I look.
                            Sharpie on the blue cookbook.
                   Sharpie Sharpie everywhere!!
            I'm going crazy -- I SWEAR!
     Is that Sharpie on the window glass?
   Sharpie on my child's ...?
 Ask me how I cleaned the mess!
 Goo gone and baby wipes worked the best.
  -- A very Sharpie poem

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