Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wonder Woman

How on earth do "those" moms do it?  Clean the house, take care of the kids, have a job, make dinner, keep track of doctor's appointments, & have time to do their hair/makeup and look awesome?!  HOW?  If I work out in the morning then I have to get up at 5...otherwise if I wait both the boys are awake and then I'm not able to get ready for the day until noon and I just feel crappy.  If I want to get a shower in then I have to get up at 4:30 so I can be ready by the time the boys are awake.  I feel like I'm going slighty mental!  I know all moms hit this level of sleep deprivation: the days and nights blend together to feel like one eternal,constant day that's separated by a few short naps in spurts.  It's crazy!  And time is flying by.  I cannot believe Ryan is 8 weeks old.  So much for having his pictures taken at 2 weeks.  And for getting our family picture in.  We STILL don't have one.  My "we'll do it tomorrow" philosophy has taken us 2 months down the road and it still hasn't happened.  I feel like time is slipping away right through my fingers. 

I know Ryan is going to grow up so fast. Christopher is growing more and more everyday.  He doesn't even want to sleep with Na-Na anymore...I cried a little.  He's been attached to that dog since he was 6 months old and now it's a thing of the past.  I can't believe my baby is pottytraining and peeing and talking and drawing.  If I could go back in time I would want to hold him one more time as a baby.  I'm slightly emotional today.  I'm sad that they're growing up so fast.  I'm sad that our time here is almost coming to a close and so much has happened here.  Christopher first started talking, it was our first "home" together, we had our baby here...so many memories!  Rob's clearing and getting ready to leave and then we won't see him for 3 1/2 months.  I know he's not going to be deployed and not in any immediate danger...but it's still 3 1/2 months regardless.  He's going to miss out on a lot of firsts with Ryan...first time eating cereal.  First time rolling for real.  First time sitting.  First time crawling.  First time eating solids.  First time playing with a rattle.  And I'm stressed thinking about all of the things I need to handle on my own when he's gone!  Ok.  Enough of the stress part!  I know I'll be just fine...it's just an emotional day for me.  My babies are already growing up so fast! 

Christopher drew a picture today.  On the bottom was "Mommy" and on top the page were "angels in the sky".  It was such a wonderful and amazing thing to hear coming from a 2 year old!

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