Thursday, June 02, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

I like to think that if I liked cake more I would definitely like this cake.   It might not be very modest -- but my birthday is pretty much my most favorite day of the year.  I think that birthday themed music should be played everywhere I go as the soundtrack to my day and that a red carpet should be rolled out where I walk. (Sidenote: That's what Christopher and Ryan can help with in a few years!!)  I would like breakfast in bed with my tiara served on a silver platter.  I would sleep in until 10 and wake up to the radio announcer saying, "Happy Birthday to Sara _______.  You're the best ever.  Love your hubby".  Then I would be escorted by my wonderful boys on a birthday shopping trip where I would get an astoundingly cute dress that I would wear to dinner that night with my hubby where I would order steak.  Fish...maybe.  I would come back from dinner to see that Christopher and Ryan had baked me the above cake!  And then we would have ice cream instead, after deciding the cake was too beautiful to eat.  Next I would open my presents / cards...both of which are homemade.  Christopher made me a stuffed squirrel or something and Ryan made me a bracelet (because he's the more sensitive one of the boys).  Then the hubby and the boys would give me manicure / pedicures and foot massages.  All the while telling me I was the best ever :)  Then we would end the day by playing Sorry or Trouble maybe and they would let me win.  Which they wouldn't have to let me win because I would anyways!  Annnd then we would sit down and watch a movie and then I would go to bed early to an immaculate house (because of course they had cleaned it for me!)  Ahhhh....that would be the ultimate birthday!

That isn't how today went, though!  Although it was still a pretty good day.  One year older, one year wiser.  Woke up and donned sweats and Rob's old blue T-shirt.  Did laundry.  Watched Rob leave on the cycle. Watched Elmo.  Did some laundry.  Put the boys to bed and then got my cute floral dress on and did my makeup with Ryan in the carrier.  Sadly Ryan had been projectile vomiting and he actually started choking today.  Of course I still had the baby carrier tied around my waist when I had to go tearing off upstairs carrying Ryan to get the snot sucker because he couldn't breathe.  I was so scared.  I took him into Geary and the same nurse that was in there as last time was there...long story short I don't like her.  She's a nurse with a hoity toity God complex and we do NOT get along.  But thankfully I got a wonderful birthday present: answers.  Ryan has an obstruction and air bubble all throughout his GI tract.  More than likely he has a very sensitive tummy and the doc said to keep with the Colic Calm and we'll be going to see a specialist soon.  Until then gas drops, small feedings, and frequent burps.  Right now I'm watching Robert play College Football and I'm blogging.  We're annoying each other.  Had a delicous grilled steak dinner and am heading to bed soon.  Thanking everybody for the wonderful birthday wishes!  I have such sweet family, friends, and acquaintances and that is truly a gift!

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