Monday, June 13, 2011

Live Laugh Wrap

Well I'm one step closer to one day owning my own Spa / Health & Wellness Store!  I've started my own business thanks to It Works!  I signed on to distribute through them and am loving their body wraps and their products!  When I go back to Wisconsin in July I want to take the Reiki class in Madison.  After we move to Florida and our next station I'd love to get a spare room to set up a wrap room and DIY spa stuff !  This is wonderful!  I also can't wait until I get a laptop. This one is still broken and I absolutely hate the videos off of my phone!  Not to mention I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off...How do other women do it?  Be successful with the kids while having a job and keeping up with the house work?  WHAT IS THEIR SECRET?!  Maybe I need a least then I could pretend to be Wonder Woman... 

Here's my facebook webpage:!/pages/Live-Laugh-Wrap/216186755080376

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