Monday, August 23, 2010

Feeling funny isn't fun

I'm still having some stomach cramps / pain.... I have no idea what from.  Christopher and I shared a strawberry shake a few days ago and he got sick after that (diarrhea...TMI! haha) and I haven't felt quite right since then either.  It tasted funny & I threw it away; but, that was only after we had downed a good portion of it. Today I feel lightheaded and dizzy and I'm not sure if it's because I haven't been able to keep much down or if it's something else?  Maybe these darn pregnancy hormones again?  Probably.  At 3 o'clock (that would be 48 hours since it started getting bad) if these cramps haven't gone away I'm going to call the doc and see what they think I should do.  I just don't want to take any chances.

Besides the cramps I've had a pretty good day though :)  It's my day off so I'm spending it with the little man.  We made a lego tower and had dump truck races down the hallway.  It was a blast.  Now I'm hoping he wants to take a little nappy-poo because I could use one, too!  Also -- hubby went back to work today.  He's been on vaca for awhile and it was SO nice having him home that I miss him.    Uh Oh......I don't hear Christopher.  That's bad news......when they're quiet?  They're getting into mischief.  GOTTA RUN!

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