Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Beginnings

Went into the hospital today to have my 48 hour re-check of hCG levels.  Optimally (is that a word?....if not; it is now) my levels were supposed to double. Usually in early pregnancy they double every 30-72 hours.  Well -- mine TRIPLED!  On Monday they were at 233 and today they were at 763.  Last time she told me my levels, I could've sworn she said 312...but, she double checked, and is positive they were only at 233 on Monday.  You know? It's really funny how before I could've cared less about any of this stuff and, suddenly, even the tiniest detail matters!  Everything that would seem miniscule to an onlooker is pretty much my entire life right now!  Every day I wake up is one day further day closer to being 5 weeks!  Then after that is 6 weeks....then 12...then 36....then BAM! Just like that you're already holding your baby and -- before you know it -- they're running.  Next thing you know they're saying words and feeding themselves.  It's crazy.  I think back to when I was pregnant with Christopher and it seems like yesterday.  It's flown by way to quickly and now he's a year and a half already!  AHH!  

Also --- I've begun potty training today.  So far I just pulled the potty chair down so he can get "acquainted" with it.  He sits on it and we bring it to the bathroom whenever I go so he gets used to that.  The reason I'm starting....well....actually there are 2 reasons.  First off I want him to be completely potty trained by the time the baby gets here, otherwise it's going to get way to hectic and I don't want him to be in diapers in kindergarten.  (Pottytraining is a challenge and I don't want to take on too much if we have a newborn.  Life will be stressful enough!!)  Second reason I want to start is because he's been taking poopie diapers off in secret.  It's disgusting because he's so sneaky about it and then -- even though he doesn't try to -- poop gets all over EVERYTHING!  And after sanitizing his room, toys, crib, blankets, and pretty much everything I could see for nearly 3 hours....let's just say I never want to do that again.  The time has come!

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