Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a little poke

Today I had some bloodwork done at the hospital on post because they were concerned about my hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels being too high and with the past miscarriage they wanted to have it checked ASAP.  Week by week the levels increase until they finally plane off towards the end of the pregnancy -- but in the beginning the hCG levels should double every couple days.  Sometimes if the levels are too high or too low it could indicate a problem with the baby or be the first signs of a miscarriage.  But -- for being 4 weeks along -- my levels are perfect!  Such a relief to hear.  I was literally in and out of there today: just a quick poke in the lab and that was it!  2 hours later the nurse called me with the results: 312.  I go back into the hospital in 48 hours to have my blood drawn again and the numbers should double (or at least be close to doubling).  If everything looks good then I won't have to be seen again until my first appointment!  YAY! 

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