Saturday, February 26, 2011

32 Weeks Pregnant!

My feelings:  Excited, nervous, anxious
Weight Gain: From pre-pregnancy weight -- 13 lbs, overall 20 lbs  ( I lost 7 lbs from morning sickness in the beginning)

Ryan's development
:This week he's able to produce sweat! 
: He's able to detect light and open his eyes & I want to try out the flashlight on the belly to see if it makes him move! 
: Sleeps in 40 minute increments
: Developing his lungs and putting on 1/2 lb per week
: Able to detect changes in temperature. Whenever I use the heating pad or drink ice cold water he definitely notices and kicks me! 

I can't wait to meet Ryan.  I was starting to get nervous about the labor / delivery last night, though.  It took me about 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep.  Part of it is because I'm wondering how it will go (and when!) and that I have absolutely no control over it!  So I just had to take a deep breath and say a prayer because I know there's nothing I can do...(but I am still going to try pineapple, spicy foods, excessive walking, and balsamic vinegar once I get closer!!)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thomas the Tank Engine

Christopher loves Thomas -- I have all of the trains memorized and some of the best expressions!  I love how I've traded hit lyrics for kid's movies quotes   

"Bust my boiler"
"Clattering Coaches!"
"Fenders and Fireboxes!!"

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


         So I uploaded a video of Rob blowing up balloons for Christopher and then Rob and Christopher popping the balloons.  It's truly frustrating how some people can watch it and leave idiotic comments like "Oh how terrible for your children.  You're terrible parents" etc...  Yes.  I'm making videos for my kids to have in the future because I am a terrible mother.  And the 1 beer Rob had in the beginning of the video?!  Yeah. You're right.  He was *COMPLETELY* drunk.  I'm sorry--  but we're not underage minors here!  I don't see anything wrong with having a drink?  And it's not like he was slamming down freakin' beer after beer --- he took ONE SIP OF BEER!   HOLY CRAP!  Somebody call the 5-0.  Love how some people can blow it completely out of proportion and then obviously not watch the entire video... Rob and Christopher had been popping balloons together by sitting on them and whacking them on the ground and Christopher thought it was hilarious.  Well the one time Rob popped a balloon Christopher wasn't too sure what to think.  (Yes... that's my husband being completely hateful.  It's a balloon for heaven's sake and they had been doing it together.)  Christopher had a 5 second re-bound rate and the reason we kept laughing was because we don't want him to be scared of it --- we were trying to show him it was ok!  And my husband and Christopher always play rough together. Keyword: PLAY.  If you don't like how they play with each other --- feel free not to watch!! Anyways...that's just my rant for the idiots who take it the wrong way.  =)  And now I feel better.

Late night

Well of course after resting all day I should know that I wouldn't be able to go to sleep on time!  = ) 
So I'm compiling videos for Youtube.  Just watching Rob and Christopher together in them makes me so grateful for all of the experiences I went through.  It wasn't easy being a single mom or being with somebody who didn't appreciate their own child...but, I know I went through all of that so it would bring Rob, Christopher and I together!  I am so thankful for it!  Who knew God had something so much better in store for me?

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."


Monday, February 21, 2011

Monotonous Monday

Exhausted.  This chest congestion just isn't letting up a single bit.  It's getting worse, in fact.  I am so grateful that neither Rob or Christopher have it because it's terrible!  By far the worst cough I've ever had in my life.  My lungs sound "crispy"...that's the only way I can describe it.  Like when you crinkle up a dry leaf?  That's what it sounds like when I breathe.  If my head is reclined at all it sends me into a coughing fit and I'm having rather large chunks of phlegm the size of quarters! EW!  I wish I was a guy so I would be a little better equipped to deal with this loogies.  I ended up puking 3 times this morning =(  Which always makes me feel downright miserable.  So glad hubby has off today and he got up with Christopher this morning.  Mommy got to stay in bed until 10:30!  Longest I've stayed in bed in over a year and a half...crazy! 

Now I'm just sucking down hot apple juice with honey and loading up with Vicks.  Doing homework wrapped up in my blanket.  If I didn't have my guys to look forward to, I would just stay in bed all day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

31 Weeks

We found out on Tuesday that Ryan is definitely not your averaged sized baby!  Right now Ryan is between 4.5 and 5 lbs and approximately 18 1/2 inches long!  Can't believe how off I was at guessing his size!  I'm feeling very huge out in front.  My lower back is killing and my pelvis clicks and grinds when I walk...especially in the morning.  Reeeally attractive.  Yay for baby putting on 1/2 lb per week from now on! 

I'm feeling swamped with everything I have to get done in the day.  Can God just add 2 more hours to the day?  And maybe a little extra shot of energy for me to get it all done?  Dishes. Homework. Laundry. Housework. Cooking.  Potty-training. Sleep. Repeat.  Breathe...

Christopher's newest phrase: "Buhh-bye sun-shhine"  He can't be any more adorable.  It makes up for him stuffing popcorn into my water bottle yesterday!...(which I didn't realize until AFTER I took a big drink and had mushy floaties in my mouth...mmmm.)  Him and daddy were playing today and it was just the sweetest thing to watch.  Rolling around on the floor tickling each other.  Christopher was so concerned when Rob started to fake cry..."Ohhhh noooo!!!  O-K dadd-y?"  Makes me a little nuts because guys are so rough!  But then I remember that my dad was the same way and I would always roll my eyes at my I just sit back and try to relax  :) 

My boys and their Polack hats!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

TUMS = Charley Horses??

It seems my heartburn has a direct correlation to my belly size!  Milk, anything tomato-ey, even water (how crazy!) has been setting off massive bouts of throat burning.  As a result I've been popping down more Tums over the past couple of weeks because it's the only thing that seems to help.  I've also been experiencing more middle-of-the-night leg cramps in my calves which have been pretty uncomfortable.  Until last night...last night was an involuntary, toe-pointing double doozy of a leg cramp in both calves that had me crawling around on all fours, crying for nearly 5 minutes 



I was looking up what exactly causes leg cramps / charley horses during pregnancy and found out some interesting things.  Sometimes they're just normal, can't help, baby getting bigger cramps and sometimes they can be caused by taking in too much "un-usable" calcium.  Aka Calcium Phosphate.  Guess what's one of the main ingredients in Tums?!  DING DING DING!  Calcium Phosphate.  Since I haven't been reduced to tears by heartburn (YET!) I've decided to cut back on the Tums and see if the leg cramps improve! 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lotsa Lotsa Rest

"Lotsa, lotsa rest" is exactly what the Labor & Delivery nurse told me when I called them tonight.  I was putting away some more baby supplies (shampoo and powder) away in Ryan's room when I just felt like...a glob of something.  So I quickly went in the bathroom to find that another chunk of mucous plug came out.  I started freaking out because this one was bigger (about the size of a quarter) and had some brownish tinge to it.  I immediately called L&D and she had me drink a bunch of water and rest while counting contractions; because at the time I was feeling crampy and having Braxton Hicks.  She said baby's moving and that's a good thing and also the plug was tinged brown and not pink or red which would indicate that it's an old bleed.  The Braxton Hicks have stopped so they're not going to have me go in...but they said it's a good thing I already have an appointment with the high risk doctor next week because they would've scheduled me one otherwise.  Hubby says it's because Ryan's just so excited to come out and meet his family!  I agree...he can come early -- just not before 36 weeks.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is it April 23 yet?

I am SO ready to say "ADIOS!" to these friggin hormones.  They're absolutely terrible and have turned a normally calm and level-headed person into an emotional wreck.  I guess I shouldn't complain so much because I haven't been battling hormones my entire pregnancy (only since the 3rd trimester kicked in!); but, they're still terrible!  Today it was old wine that I dumped out that set me off.  Rob asked where it was and got a little upset that I had dumped it out and I just couldn't handle it and started sobbing uncontrollably and had to go take a bath.  I cried for a good 30 minutes!  AGH!  I am NOT liking this. 

This is what I look like, too!

I'm also stressing because out of the 7 people that I've asked to watch Christopher on the 15th for my high risk appointment in Topeka: 3 are out of town, 1 has family in town, and the other 3 already have their own appointments that day  =(  And the day care on Post doesn't have any openings.  So I guess we'll just have to take him with us!  I'm not sure what else we're supposed to do?!  I can't just not go. Wah.  Oh -- and our rocking chair has a defect and we have to send it back.  That sent me into an emotional meltdown, too!  But thankfully our new one will be here on the 15th...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Now All I Need is the Ice Cream

The house is quiet. Rob's out with a friend from work. Christopher is sleeping.  I'm curled up in our cozy, clean, and re-decorated living room with a blanket around me watching Labor and Delivery Youtube videos.  Crying!  I watched one in particular by GabeandJess -- I think that's right...and I just couldn't help but to shed a few tears!  I know right now 10 weeks seems like far away...and then I stop and think what I was doing 10 weeks ago.  We were getting ready to go home for Christmas.  Then everything seems like it's happening so fast.  It feels like yesterday.  10 weeks from now Ryan will be here.  Christopher will no longer be my only child.  I'll be a mommy of 2!

I'm so excited to have Ryan here.  Everything is set up and ready (including our diaper stash until he's at least 4 months joke!) and I'm so anxious to meet him; but, on the other hand I can't imagine having to split my time with someone other than Christopher.  For the past 2 years he's been my 24/7 life and it scares the hell out of me to think that in 2 months it's all going to be different!  It's really settling in.  I'm getting so nervous!  How am I ever going to get out the door? How is it going to be giving Christopher a bath and then Ryan?  Is he going to sleep through the night? Is he going to have colic?  These are just a few questions that are racing off of the top of my head.  What's he going to look like?  Will he have 10 toes and 10 fingers?  My nose?

In one breath I'm so ready to have him here and be un-pregnant (even though I'm feeling really good this pregnancy.  I don't really even feel that pregnant compared to with Christopher).  And in the other I just feel like he could stay in there forever.  Like maybe we could just freeze time a little bit.  It's been one of those nights.  A sappy, hormonal night and all that's missing is the ice cream!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Busy Busy!

Ahhh we've gotten so busy the past few weeks.  Homework. Potty-training.  Doctor appointments.  I feel like my life is a tornado right now! I will be done with school in the next month (I'm so excited) and we officially have *everything* we need for Ryan.  The last of which will be getting delivered today and tomorrow:

: Baby sling (free w/ promo code!)
: Rocking chair
: Double stroller  (Combi Twin Sport Jade)
: Bottle drying rack  
: Breastfeeding accessories
: 2 boxes diapers
: Baby bath seat

At least I feel on top of things in one department!  I'm getting so anxious to have Ryan here and to finally meet him.  He loves when Rob talks to him --- he moves all around and starts kicking like crazy! 

I just have to share this:  I was just bending over to put a DVD in for Christopher and I hear him say, "OH NO! BUTT!   BUTT!!!  BUTTTT!!!"   and he comes running up to me and starts pulling my pants up in the back.  "I help?  I help mom-ee".  haha.....ohh I love him so much!  

29 weeks pregnant

Baby, fetus at 28 weeks - BabyCenter

Baby Ryan is just a little over 15 inches and weighs around 3 lbs!  Our little munchkin buns is getting so big and we're getting so anxious to meet him.

I'm finally getting slowed down.  Up until the past week this pregnancy hasn't prevented me from doing all of my normal chores and chasing my toddler with (somewhat) ease...but NOW?!  Whew.  Frequent rest breaks for mommy.  Even though he's sitting pretty low still my lungs are starting to get squish-squashed.  Poor Christopher has a hard time sitting on mommy's lap for storytime!

Ryan is still breech (his head is up under my right-side ribs) and he frequently likes to hang out on my right side; as a result I have a very lopsided belly!  It kind of tickles because sometimes his kicking goes almost towards my back. =)