Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lotsa Lotsa Rest

"Lotsa, lotsa rest" is exactly what the Labor & Delivery nurse told me when I called them tonight.  I was putting away some more baby supplies (shampoo and powder) away in Ryan's room when I just felt like...a glob of something.  So I quickly went in the bathroom to find that another chunk of mucous plug came out.  I started freaking out because this one was bigger (about the size of a quarter) and had some brownish tinge to it.  I immediately called L&D and she had me drink a bunch of water and rest while counting contractions; because at the time I was feeling crampy and having Braxton Hicks.  She said baby's moving and that's a good thing and also the plug was tinged brown and not pink or red which would indicate that it's an old bleed.  The Braxton Hicks have stopped so they're not going to have me go in...but they said it's a good thing I already have an appointment with the high risk doctor next week because they would've scheduled me one otherwise.  Hubby says it's because Ryan's just so excited to come out and meet his family!  I agree...he can come early -- just not before 36 weeks.

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