Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is it April 23 yet?

I am SO ready to say "ADIOS!" to these friggin hormones.  They're absolutely terrible and have turned a normally calm and level-headed person into an emotional wreck.  I guess I shouldn't complain so much because I haven't been battling hormones my entire pregnancy (only since the 3rd trimester kicked in!); but, they're still terrible!  Today it was old wine that I dumped out that set me off.  Rob asked where it was and got a little upset that I had dumped it out and I just couldn't handle it and started sobbing uncontrollably and had to go take a bath.  I cried for a good 30 minutes!  AGH!  I am NOT liking this. 

This is what I look like, too!

I'm also stressing because out of the 7 people that I've asked to watch Christopher on the 15th for my high risk appointment in Topeka: 3 are out of town, 1 has family in town, and the other 3 already have their own appointments that day  =(  And the day care on Post doesn't have any openings.  So I guess we'll just have to take him with us!  I'm not sure what else we're supposed to do?!  I can't just not go. Wah.  Oh -- and our rocking chair has a defect and we have to send it back.  That sent me into an emotional meltdown, too!  But thankfully our new one will be here on the 15th...

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