Wednesday, February 09, 2011

29 weeks pregnant

Baby, fetus at 28 weeks - BabyCenter

Baby Ryan is just a little over 15 inches and weighs around 3 lbs!  Our little munchkin buns is getting so big and we're getting so anxious to meet him.

I'm finally getting slowed down.  Up until the past week this pregnancy hasn't prevented me from doing all of my normal chores and chasing my toddler with (somewhat) ease...but NOW?!  Whew.  Frequent rest breaks for mommy.  Even though he's sitting pretty low still my lungs are starting to get squish-squashed.  Poor Christopher has a hard time sitting on mommy's lap for storytime!

Ryan is still breech (his head is up under my right-side ribs) and he frequently likes to hang out on my right side; as a result I have a very lopsided belly!  It kind of tickles because sometimes his kicking goes almost towards my back. =) 

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