Monday, February 21, 2011

Monotonous Monday

Exhausted.  This chest congestion just isn't letting up a single bit.  It's getting worse, in fact.  I am so grateful that neither Rob or Christopher have it because it's terrible!  By far the worst cough I've ever had in my life.  My lungs sound "crispy"...that's the only way I can describe it.  Like when you crinkle up a dry leaf?  That's what it sounds like when I breathe.  If my head is reclined at all it sends me into a coughing fit and I'm having rather large chunks of phlegm the size of quarters! EW!  I wish I was a guy so I would be a little better equipped to deal with this loogies.  I ended up puking 3 times this morning =(  Which always makes me feel downright miserable.  So glad hubby has off today and he got up with Christopher this morning.  Mommy got to stay in bed until 10:30!  Longest I've stayed in bed in over a year and a half...crazy! 

Now I'm just sucking down hot apple juice with honey and loading up with Vicks.  Doing homework wrapped up in my blanket.  If I didn't have my guys to look forward to, I would just stay in bed all day!

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