Thursday, February 10, 2011

Now All I Need is the Ice Cream

The house is quiet. Rob's out with a friend from work. Christopher is sleeping.  I'm curled up in our cozy, clean, and re-decorated living room with a blanket around me watching Labor and Delivery Youtube videos.  Crying!  I watched one in particular by GabeandJess -- I think that's right...and I just couldn't help but to shed a few tears!  I know right now 10 weeks seems like far away...and then I stop and think what I was doing 10 weeks ago.  We were getting ready to go home for Christmas.  Then everything seems like it's happening so fast.  It feels like yesterday.  10 weeks from now Ryan will be here.  Christopher will no longer be my only child.  I'll be a mommy of 2!

I'm so excited to have Ryan here.  Everything is set up and ready (including our diaper stash until he's at least 4 months joke!) and I'm so anxious to meet him; but, on the other hand I can't imagine having to split my time with someone other than Christopher.  For the past 2 years he's been my 24/7 life and it scares the hell out of me to think that in 2 months it's all going to be different!  It's really settling in.  I'm getting so nervous!  How am I ever going to get out the door? How is it going to be giving Christopher a bath and then Ryan?  Is he going to sleep through the night? Is he going to have colic?  These are just a few questions that are racing off of the top of my head.  What's he going to look like?  Will he have 10 toes and 10 fingers?  My nose?

In one breath I'm so ready to have him here and be un-pregnant (even though I'm feeling really good this pregnancy.  I don't really even feel that pregnant compared to with Christopher).  And in the other I just feel like he could stay in there forever.  Like maybe we could just freeze time a little bit.  It's been one of those nights.  A sappy, hormonal night and all that's missing is the ice cream!

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