Saturday, February 19, 2011

31 Weeks

We found out on Tuesday that Ryan is definitely not your averaged sized baby!  Right now Ryan is between 4.5 and 5 lbs and approximately 18 1/2 inches long!  Can't believe how off I was at guessing his size!  I'm feeling very huge out in front.  My lower back is killing and my pelvis clicks and grinds when I walk...especially in the morning.  Reeeally attractive.  Yay for baby putting on 1/2 lb per week from now on! 

I'm feeling swamped with everything I have to get done in the day.  Can God just add 2 more hours to the day?  And maybe a little extra shot of energy for me to get it all done?  Dishes. Homework. Laundry. Housework. Cooking.  Potty-training. Sleep. Repeat.  Breathe...

Christopher's newest phrase: "Buhh-bye sun-shhine"  He can't be any more adorable.  It makes up for him stuffing popcorn into my water bottle yesterday!...(which I didn't realize until AFTER I took a big drink and had mushy floaties in my mouth...mmmm.)  Him and daddy were playing today and it was just the sweetest thing to watch.  Rolling around on the floor tickling each other.  Christopher was so concerned when Rob started to fake cry..."Ohhhh noooo!!!  O-K dadd-y?"  Makes me a little nuts because guys are so rough!  But then I remember that my dad was the same way and I would always roll my eyes at my I just sit back and try to relax  :) 

My boys and their Polack hats!

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