Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The first 24

Ryan arrived at 635 after 1 contraction and 2 pushes! But I will do labor and delivery once I get home...

I just cannot believe how great I feel physically and emotionally this time around.i am truly grateful to have such a wonderful husband. Seeing ryan and him melts my heart! Ryan and I are breastfeeding and once he latches on he is a champ! He are for 45 minutes last night and 40 minutes this morning. Rob and I had our hospital 'congratulations' dinners last night. Not too bad! Ryan seems pretty mellow; but very high maintenance about his diapers. Any wetspot or skid mark and he is one unhappy camper!

We are snuggling right now.i really have to pre and I have bad cramps but he's so peaceful I just can't move him! I'm in love!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

39 weeks pregnant

Ummm...SERIOUSLY?!  STILL PREGNANT!!!  I can't believe I am still pregnant.  Ryan is one content little boy!  Christopher's overnight bag and food bag are packed and ready at the door, just waiting for the last-minute refrigerated and frozen items to be added.  Hospital bag and diaper bag are (re)packed and waiting by the door.  Yesterday I nested.  (Mind you I've been nesting since we got home from Christmas vacation in January...this was different.)  I *intensely* nested.  I thought I was uber prepared for Ryan until yesterday came around and I found that the sofa needed to be scrubbed as well as the pack n play.  The empty boxes for his baby gear needed to be organized and so did his diapers.  I set up a diaper changing station / shelf in our room, vacuumed the entire house, deodorized the trash can, and scrubbed our coffee pot down.  Hmmm...

Today I've been having pelvic charley horses and a ton of Braxton Hicks -- but no more mucus plug or cramping.  I'm assuming that I'm going to be pregnant until Wednesday.  And even if I'm not, I don't want to get my hopes up!  Overall it was a really fantastic day, though!  The sun was shining, hubby made breakfast and the 3 of us just hung out.  I obsessed over every little mess...but besides that =)  We went to Target and I got the diaper bag I've been drooling over (it's seriously awesome! So glad I got it!) since I had a 15% off coupon.  Rob got some motorcycling clothes and he also got us an air conditioner for our room!  THANK GOD!  Kansas is hot.  Very hot.  And the A/C seriously doesn't work in our room -- it's a friggin hotbox!  Last summer was pure torture with 115 degree heat.  And I figure with the hotflashes I'm anticipating, a nice frigid arctic tundra will be help me drift off nicely to la la land.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jump jump jump around

Out enjoying the sunshine on our last weekend as a family of 3! They had a huge blowup jump house outside the Harley
place. Took a bit to get him in -- but then he didn't want to leave! Of course this is him sporting off for mommy  :) 

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Wuv You!

Christopher was full of the dickens last night when I was putting him to bed!  (Trying to give me spankings...when I told him to put his pajama shorts on he put them on -- HIS HEAD!, somersaulting around the room, whipping my butt with his towel, picking his nose...)  I was tired and uncomfortable and trying to get him to cooperate and help "clean up" --- which was actually pretty useless!  And just as I was getting really frustrated he came up to me and put both of his hands on the side of my face.  I have to admit this made me a little nervous at first, because I had no idea what he was doing!  Then he put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me and said,
 "I WUV YOU!"  Melted my heart!  And he wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a huuuuge hug!!!  I said, "Oh Christopher!  I love you too!!!!"  He replied with a huge grin, "I KNOW!"  and then he gave me another hug and as he was hugging me he said,

-- "What hunny?"
"Bull-sit."     ....I couldn't help but to laugh hysterically; before telling him that that's not a nice word and we should say 'Bull-snap' instead!  I know it's not the first or last time he'll say a naughty word that he's picked up from us.  (Sadly, I know!  But we're definitely not perfect and you SWEAR they're a room away and can't hear you!)  But it was PERFECT timing.  That was the first time he'd ever said 'I love you' and it ended perfectly, too.  Classic Christopher.  Agh I love that little hellraiser angel boy so much!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Labor Day?!?

All I can say is "OH PLEASE oh please oh please oh please oh pllllllleeeeeeeaaaaase be 'Labor Day'!"  I was really disappointed yesterday because I wasn't cramping or anything after the sweep.  However -- I am spotting, cramping, losing parts of my plug, and having super bad inner thigh cramps todayNot to mention I've been saying from the beginning that he was going to be born on the 15th (which is tomorrow) and it's also a full moon AND there's a storm on its way!  COME ON!  Please be the day.  I am trying to avoid that medical induction and I really think today would be ideal.  We had spicy mexican for lunch and I'm going to try inserting the evening primrose oil and taking a nice nap (after a nice hot cup of red raspberry leaf tea, of course!)  We'll see!  Hopefully this will be one of the last, if not THEE last pregnancy vlog I do! 

If I'm not in labor within 24 hours I'm going to be so severely disappointed that I'm going to wallow on the couch eating ice cream in my pajamas for a few days.  Seriously.

Membrane Sweep+24 hours

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

38 weeks + 2 days


Cheerios: the new ethanol

Christopher's dream to improve the environment. The first ever cheerio powered car!

Filling up the gas tank with cheerios  4.12.2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Labor Induction Method Trials

38 weeks + 1 day and ready to be UNpregnant.

So far here are the natural labor induction methods I've tried:

1.) Evening Primrose Oil (I think it's helping...I'm dilated to a little over a 1 and 50% effaced as of last Monday)
2.) The dirty tango...horizantal shuffle... whatever you want to call it!  Supposedly what put the baby in will get the baby out!  Right.  Well, it hasn't worked for me yet!
3.) Fresh pineapple.  The only thing I've gotten from this is acid burn on my tongue.
4.) Balsamic vinegar.  I dip french bread in it.  I don't know if I'm imagining it; but afterwards I do feel like I have an uptick in Braxton Hicks for at least 30 minutes.
5.) WALKING walking waaaalking.  Walking up hills.  Walking up stairs (2 at a time...). Walking around the house... I get a really uncomfortable pressure and urge like I have to pee constantly!  But as soon as I stop walking and sit down it goes away. Boo!
6.) Nesting.  I was already nesting as it was, but trying to kick it up a notch has done nothing.
7.) Pelvic tilts.  Um...lets just say I feel like a goon doing these even when I'm by myself!
8.) Prune juice.  Nada.
9.) Driving down a bumpy road
10.) Massaging my feet / accupressure

Tonight was DIY pedi spa night.  I definitely needed it!  I walked around Homer's Pond by our house here for over an hour and my feet were the size of cement blocks!  EW.  I also had a hormonal breakdown when I got home.  For no reason!  I was sitting at the dinner table and just felt an uncontrollable urge to start crying.  So I went upstairs and took a nice relaxing bath with candles, incense, bubbles...the whole works!  Then after the guys went to bed I got out my nail polish, soaked, and exfoliated my feet. 

1/4 C coffee, *hot* water, peppermint oil, and baby oil
Q: Now how do you paint your toes when you're 38 weeks? 
A: Let out all the air in your lungs and bend as far as you can and hurry up and paint 3 toes in a row.  It's reeally uncomfortable.  But worth it! 

I've been slowly losing parts of my mucus plug which started this morning -- nothing dramatic though.  I'm so bummed!  I still have cramps which are worse at night.  Ryan is just one stubborn little boy!  He's cozy where he's at. 

Saturday, April 09, 2011

First 'mobile' blog!

Got my new phone ....which I absolutely loooove! Samsung Vibrant. I can't wait to take pictures of Ryan with it and upload them right away! So much easier for family to stay in touch. Went to Cracker Barrel this morning! After little man wakes up we are going to the Milford Nature Center to enjoy the weather (85 degrees and sunny!) and look at the fish. Oh and drive down bumpy roads hoping it will throw me into labor! Haha   38 weeks today!!

Friday, April 08, 2011

Could this be early labor?!

I thought I lucked out for 9 months.....

Monday I had my doctor appointment right after NST.  At NST she measured a strong contraction that went into the lower 50's and I was dilated to a little over a 1cm and about 50% effaced.  (Much more progressed than what I was with Christopher at this stage of pregnancy!)  Up until the past couple of days if somebody were to ask me how I felt and how I was doing I would respond, "I feel great!".  I knew it was too good to last...

I think Ryan has definitely dropped or is sitting differently in my pelvis because I can feel it.  What used to be just a morning discomfort has now turned into an all-day, constant pressure that feels like my pelvis is going to snap in half every time I stand up.  I've also been extremely tired.  Falling asleep at the dinner table tired!  Yesterday I took another 3-hour nap!!!  And starting 2 nights ago I had menstrual-like cramps.  Yesterday they subsided during the day some and came back towards the evening.  They let up; but at 4 am I was rudely awakened by them AGAIN.  They honestly feel like the worst period cramps of my life and they're constant.  Not just "oh there's a tiny cramp" and it goes away.  NO....constant cramping.  I am still having some Braxton Hicks along with them.  I'm just starting to wonder whether I'm in the early stages of labor? 

At my appointment yesterday I was having contractions that were registering on the monitor (1 big one and 3 small ones) with relatively no pain.  She said that if she had to guess Ryan would be here mid next week... but  I don't know.  I didn't have anything like this with Christopher!  I had some Braxton Hicks and then one night BAM!  I started right out in active labor.  So I guess I'm unsure what early labor feels like.  But I reeeeeally hope this is it.  I can't take much more of the sleepless nights and bowling-ball-between-my-legs feeling.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Ryan Moving Around 37 weeks+4 days

I finally caught him on camera!  He's a night owl so of course it's 11 pm and I am sitting on the couch watching netflix when he decides to start doing acrobat moves.  Can't wait to meet him! 

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Really tired...and really tired of being pregnant

Today I am 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  I had a really funky headache this morning at 4 am when I woke up and ended up randomly throwing up a little in our sink! GROSS!  But then I felt better and went back to bed.  Woke up with some energy and good intentions to run errands.  THAT didn't happen.  By 11 am, I felt like I'd eaten 3 Thanksgiving Dinners and was absolutely exhausted (something I call "Thanksgiving Tired").  While Christopher was eating lunch at the table I was falling asleep.  So I read him a couple of books and then put him down for his nap and within 15 minutes my rice sock and I were in my bed.  This was at 1 pm.  I woke up at 1:16 pm to my own SNORING and I heard Christopher in his room!  I cannot believe I fell asleep while he was still awake in his room.  That never happens!  Anyways -- I checked on him (he was reading books in bed) and then I went back to bed.  As soon as my head hit the pillow I think I was out.  I woke up at 2:30 and he was still sleeping so I went back to bed until 3:45!!!!!!!  Longest nap I've ever taken during the day.  I was so shocked so I ran into Christopher's room and he was sitting there in his chair reading books!

It's a beautiful day so after Rob got home he went fishing at Milford Lake and Christopher and I stayed up at the park.  I couldn't go down where he was because of the rocks and I definitely do not trust my balance at 9 months preggers.  I've been cramping on and off all day and came home, ate dinner (radishes, cucumbers, and yogurt.  I've only been wanting fruits and veggies all day!) and fell asleep on Christopher's bed while he read me stories.  I'm still exhausted!  I also feel really, really hormonal.  I'm ready to not be pregnant.  I'm having super bad cramps.  Yet I'm also trying to cherish every single moment I have with Christopher because I know I'm going to have to split my time soon!  I'm getting a little nervous about labor.  AGH.  Anywho.  That's me today.  I just want to sit her eiwth my feet up all night.  I think I might.  These cramps are terrible!  Like horrible period cramps!  From what I've read and from the Childbirth DVD apparently second pregnancies get cramping because of an "irritable uterus".  Well great!  haha.  Or maybe this is a good thing and it's an early sign of labor?  Probably just my wishful thinking.  But who knows!  I'm wondering if I can con hubby into painting my toenails tonight....hmmmmm :)

Monday, April 04, 2011

37 weeks + 2 days

Had NST and my 37 week OB appointment today!  Had a contraction during NST that went into the low 50's.  I was actually really excited!  I didn't really even notice it until she pointed it out on the sheet.  I didn't want to get my hopes up that I was going to get "checked" (for dilation and effacement) today because the last doctor said she wouldn't etc and it seems to be different with every doctor I see.  But they wanted to!  I don't think I've ever been excited to have a vajay exam before... I am 1 cm dilated and nearly 50% effaced.  Which is progress, I think!  Due to my proteinuria he also wants me to go into labor naturally in the next week and a half otherwise he wants to induce.  So looks like I will be trying all of those methods out in the video a little sooner than expected!  In the ultrasound today I got to see Ryan's lungs moving-- which makes me feel really good.  That means if he comes out he will be able to breathe because his air sacs are formed and functioning!  (Although not completely because that doesn't happen until they come out and come in contact with the air when they breathe).  Also saw him swallow.  It was so cute!  Also I think he dropped a little today.  I know that sounds odd but I was sitting in the chair and got up and he felt like he was sitting a little differently.  Maybe it's just me!  But I think it looks like he did.  Even Rob said so...he said it looks like he was more down and right out front.

Took Christopher for a nice, long walk tonight.  Now I'm sitting here drinking glass #4 of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea!  YUM!  Trying to fix up "daddy"...he had a casualty today while attempting the splits, courtesy of Christopher.  : )

Sunday Thoughts

Yesterday was such a beautiful day -- 75 degrees and sunshine when we left!  No better place to be on a Sunday than at church with your family.  I was so proud of our little man.  He sat during appropriate times and was so well-behaved!  The only mishap was he kept touching the elderly lady's shoulder in front of us; but I really don't think she minded at all : )  He folded his hands during prayer time and when it was time to sing he grabbed the hymnal and "sang" for the whole song!  It  was just the cutest thing in the whole world. 

But sometimes I feel like I get more out of church from the 10 minute children's message than I do out of the sermon Is that just me?  It's short, sweet, and to the point.  And often times it doesn't beat around the bush.  Sometimes I feel like people go to church because it's the "right" thing to do.....and then they just sit there and tune out.  And sermons sometimes are just that.  A sermon.  They end.  I mean, I love the pastor down here and he actually makes sense!...  But I get a little disappointed.  I want him to give the church something to do vs. just talk at us.  Tell me to be nice to 10 people this week...or tell me how to apply the sermon to real life. I know it sounds ridiculous...I guess I'm looking for more.  Something to do beyond church -- to carry church throughout the week. 

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Natural Labor Induction Methods


No matter what -- if your body and your baby aren't ready -- you're just NOT going to go into labor!  So for some of these that are more myths than facts, I don't see the problem with trying them at 37 weeks.  It's just for fun!  And things like walking are good ways to get exercise anyways; but it's a double bonus if it helps baby engage in the pelvis!  As I get closer to my due date I might try more of them and we'll have to see if any actually work :) 

: Fresh basil or oregano
: Pizza
: *Fresh* Pineapple (softens/ripens cervix. Labor prep)
: Red raspberry leaf tea (tones uterus and 'focuses' uterine contractions. Labor prep)
: Spicy foods
: Chinese food
: Eggplant Parmesan
: Balsamic Vinegar ( Labor Salad)
: Cumin tea
: 8 oz prune juice
: Castor oil (I'd be especially careful --- not only does it make you have terrible diarrhea; but it can sometimes lead to baby getting an infection from stool or meconium getting into the fluid!)
: Watching Stand-Up Comedy (or your favorite funny movie!)
: Walking
: Going up stairs 2 at a time
: Bouncing on a birthing ball
: Yoga / Stretches to open pelvis
: Riding in a car down a bumpy road
: Sex
: Nipple stimulation (or taking a hot shower and just massaging the girls)
: Accupressure (DIY 4 fingerwidths above ankle bone and between the webbing of thumb and pointer finger.  Press, hold for 20 seconds / until contraction starts, stop, repeat)
: Massage
: Relaxing
: Getting a pedicure (salon/spa or DIY)
: Meditation / Visualization...picture the cervix dilating **ohmmmm**
: Evening Primrose Oil (softens / ripens the cervix. Lapor prep)
: Black Cohosh --->DEFINITELY talk with a medical provider before starting and absolutely not before 37 weeks.  Preferably closer to / after due date!

EVENING PRIMROSE OIL REGIMEN: (There are lots of different methods for using.  Here's the one I will be doing.  Again, if it hadn't been for the problem with my cervix during delivery with Christopher, I probably wouldn't start this until 36 or 37 weeks...just my thoughts, though!)
34 weeks: 1 / day orally
35 weeks: 2 / day orally
36 weeks: 3 / day orally
37+ weeks: 3 / day orally + insert 2 at bedtime
Yes --- inserted means up you-know-where!  And make sure it's right before bed because you will leak oil out.  Not only would that make it less effective at ripening the cervix; but it's also gross!

RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA: I bought mine off of Amazon.com: Alvita brand.  3 boxes / $9
--Safe throughout pregnancy (1cup/day to be on the safe side)
-- I use the *infusion method* by boiling 6 oz of water, pouring over tea bag, and letting steep for 3 min.  Important to drink the tea as hot as possible! 
34 weeks: 1 cup / day
35 weeks: 2 cups / day
36 weeks: 3 cups / day
37+ weeks: 4 cups / day

Once you start labor, an optional method would be to drink 3 cups of tea over the span of 2 hours (sipping while hot) and then drink 1 more glass immediately before going in the hospital (or wherever you plan on having the baby!).  Supposedly the delivery and recovery will be much speedier!  We'll have to see!  = )