Saturday, April 02, 2011

Natural Labor Induction Methods


No matter what -- if your body and your baby aren't ready -- you're just NOT going to go into labor!  So for some of these that are more myths than facts, I don't see the problem with trying them at 37 weeks.  It's just for fun!  And things like walking are good ways to get exercise anyways; but it's a double bonus if it helps baby engage in the pelvis!  As I get closer to my due date I might try more of them and we'll have to see if any actually work :) 

: Fresh basil or oregano
: Pizza
: *Fresh* Pineapple (softens/ripens cervix. Labor prep)
: Red raspberry leaf tea (tones uterus and 'focuses' uterine contractions. Labor prep)
: Spicy foods
: Chinese food
: Eggplant Parmesan
: Balsamic Vinegar ( Labor Salad)
: Cumin tea
: 8 oz prune juice
: Castor oil (I'd be especially careful --- not only does it make you have terrible diarrhea; but it can sometimes lead to baby getting an infection from stool or meconium getting into the fluid!)
: Watching Stand-Up Comedy (or your favorite funny movie!)
: Walking
: Going up stairs 2 at a time
: Bouncing on a birthing ball
: Yoga / Stretches to open pelvis
: Riding in a car down a bumpy road
: Sex
: Nipple stimulation (or taking a hot shower and just massaging the girls)
: Accupressure (DIY 4 fingerwidths above ankle bone and between the webbing of thumb and pointer finger.  Press, hold for 20 seconds / until contraction starts, stop, repeat)
: Massage
: Relaxing
: Getting a pedicure (salon/spa or DIY)
: Meditation / Visualization...picture the cervix dilating **ohmmmm**
: Evening Primrose Oil (softens / ripens the cervix. Lapor prep)
: Black Cohosh --->DEFINITELY talk with a medical provider before starting and absolutely not before 37 weeks.  Preferably closer to / after due date!

EVENING PRIMROSE OIL REGIMEN: (There are lots of different methods for using.  Here's the one I will be doing.  Again, if it hadn't been for the problem with my cervix during delivery with Christopher, I probably wouldn't start this until 36 or 37 weeks...just my thoughts, though!)
34 weeks: 1 / day orally
35 weeks: 2 / day orally
36 weeks: 3 / day orally
37+ weeks: 3 / day orally + insert 2 at bedtime
Yes --- inserted means up you-know-where!  And make sure it's right before bed because you will leak oil out.  Not only would that make it less effective at ripening the cervix; but it's also gross!

RED RASPBERRY LEAF TEA: I bought mine off of Alvita brand.  3 boxes / $9
--Safe throughout pregnancy (1cup/day to be on the safe side)
-- I use the *infusion method* by boiling 6 oz of water, pouring over tea bag, and letting steep for 3 min.  Important to drink the tea as hot as possible! 
34 weeks: 1 cup / day
35 weeks: 2 cups / day
36 weeks: 3 cups / day
37+ weeks: 4 cups / day

Once you start labor, an optional method would be to drink 3 cups of tea over the span of 2 hours (sipping while hot) and then drink 1 more glass immediately before going in the hospital (or wherever you plan on having the baby!).  Supposedly the delivery and recovery will be much speedier!  We'll have to see!  = ) 

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