Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Really tired...and really tired of being pregnant

Today I am 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant.  I had a really funky headache this morning at 4 am when I woke up and ended up randomly throwing up a little in our sink! GROSS!  But then I felt better and went back to bed.  Woke up with some energy and good intentions to run errands.  THAT didn't happen.  By 11 am, I felt like I'd eaten 3 Thanksgiving Dinners and was absolutely exhausted (something I call "Thanksgiving Tired").  While Christopher was eating lunch at the table I was falling asleep.  So I read him a couple of books and then put him down for his nap and within 15 minutes my rice sock and I were in my bed.  This was at 1 pm.  I woke up at 1:16 pm to my own SNORING and I heard Christopher in his room!  I cannot believe I fell asleep while he was still awake in his room.  That never happens!  Anyways -- I checked on him (he was reading books in bed) and then I went back to bed.  As soon as my head hit the pillow I think I was out.  I woke up at 2:30 and he was still sleeping so I went back to bed until 3:45!!!!!!!  Longest nap I've ever taken during the day.  I was so shocked so I ran into Christopher's room and he was sitting there in his chair reading books!

It's a beautiful day so after Rob got home he went fishing at Milford Lake and Christopher and I stayed up at the park.  I couldn't go down where he was because of the rocks and I definitely do not trust my balance at 9 months preggers.  I've been cramping on and off all day and came home, ate dinner (radishes, cucumbers, and yogurt.  I've only been wanting fruits and veggies all day!) and fell asleep on Christopher's bed while he read me stories.  I'm still exhausted!  I also feel really, really hormonal.  I'm ready to not be pregnant.  I'm having super bad cramps.  Yet I'm also trying to cherish every single moment I have with Christopher because I know I'm going to have to split my time soon!  I'm getting a little nervous about labor.  AGH.  Anywho.  That's me today.  I just want to sit her eiwth my feet up all night.  I think I might.  These cramps are terrible!  Like horrible period cramps!  From what I've read and from the Childbirth DVD apparently second pregnancies get cramping because of an "irritable uterus".  Well great!  haha.  Or maybe this is a good thing and it's an early sign of labor?  Probably just my wishful thinking.  But who knows!  I'm wondering if I can con hubby into painting my toenails tonight....hmmmmm :)

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