Friday, April 08, 2011

Could this be early labor?!

I thought I lucked out for 9 months.....

Monday I had my doctor appointment right after NST.  At NST she measured a strong contraction that went into the lower 50's and I was dilated to a little over a 1cm and about 50% effaced.  (Much more progressed than what I was with Christopher at this stage of pregnancy!)  Up until the past couple of days if somebody were to ask me how I felt and how I was doing I would respond, "I feel great!".  I knew it was too good to last...

I think Ryan has definitely dropped or is sitting differently in my pelvis because I can feel it.  What used to be just a morning discomfort has now turned into an all-day, constant pressure that feels like my pelvis is going to snap in half every time I stand up.  I've also been extremely tired.  Falling asleep at the dinner table tired!  Yesterday I took another 3-hour nap!!!  And starting 2 nights ago I had menstrual-like cramps.  Yesterday they subsided during the day some and came back towards the evening.  They let up; but at 4 am I was rudely awakened by them AGAIN.  They honestly feel like the worst period cramps of my life and they're constant.  Not just "oh there's a tiny cramp" and it goes away.  NO....constant cramping.  I am still having some Braxton Hicks along with them.  I'm just starting to wonder whether I'm in the early stages of labor? 

At my appointment yesterday I was having contractions that were registering on the monitor (1 big one and 3 small ones) with relatively no pain.  She said that if she had to guess Ryan would be here mid next week... but  I don't know.  I didn't have anything like this with Christopher!  I had some Braxton Hicks and then one night BAM!  I started right out in active labor.  So I guess I'm unsure what early labor feels like.  But I reeeeeally hope this is it.  I can't take much more of the sleepless nights and bowling-ball-between-my-legs feeling.

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