Monday, April 11, 2011

Labor Induction Method Trials

38 weeks + 1 day and ready to be UNpregnant.

So far here are the natural labor induction methods I've tried:

1.) Evening Primrose Oil (I think it's helping...I'm dilated to a little over a 1 and 50% effaced as of last Monday)
2.) The dirty tango...horizantal shuffle... whatever you want to call it!  Supposedly what put the baby in will get the baby out!  Right.  Well, it hasn't worked for me yet!
3.) Fresh pineapple.  The only thing I've gotten from this is acid burn on my tongue.
4.) Balsamic vinegar.  I dip french bread in it.  I don't know if I'm imagining it; but afterwards I do feel like I have an uptick in Braxton Hicks for at least 30 minutes.
5.) WALKING walking waaaalking.  Walking up hills.  Walking up stairs (2 at a time...). Walking around the house... I get a really uncomfortable pressure and urge like I have to pee constantly!  But as soon as I stop walking and sit down it goes away. Boo!
6.) Nesting.  I was already nesting as it was, but trying to kick it up a notch has done nothing.
7.) Pelvic tilts.  Um...lets just say I feel like a goon doing these even when I'm by myself!
8.) Prune juice.  Nada.
9.) Driving down a bumpy road
10.) Massaging my feet / accupressure

Tonight was DIY pedi spa night.  I definitely needed it!  I walked around Homer's Pond by our house here for over an hour and my feet were the size of cement blocks!  EW.  I also had a hormonal breakdown when I got home.  For no reason!  I was sitting at the dinner table and just felt an uncontrollable urge to start crying.  So I went upstairs and took a nice relaxing bath with candles, incense, bubbles...the whole works!  Then after the guys went to bed I got out my nail polish, soaked, and exfoliated my feet. 

1/4 C coffee, *hot* water, peppermint oil, and baby oil
Q: Now how do you paint your toes when you're 38 weeks? 
A: Let out all the air in your lungs and bend as far as you can and hurry up and paint 3 toes in a row.  It's reeally uncomfortable.  But worth it! 

I've been slowly losing parts of my mucus plug which started this morning -- nothing dramatic though.  I'm so bummed!  I still have cramps which are worse at night.  Ryan is just one stubborn little boy!  He's cozy where he's at. 

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